Hooligans Sportsbook

Please hold the chicken head with my wings

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This woman's reaction is very silly IMO. So there's a little butchering mishap. Big deal. She acts like she is traumatized to learn that chicken wings come from an animal that was once alive with a head and everything.
This woman's reaction is very silly IMO. So there's a little butchering mishap. Big deal. She acts like she is traumatized to learn that chicken wings come from an animal that was once alive with a head and everything.


You just ate 2 POUNDS worth of fokken WINGS, bitch. Just chuck the head if you don't want it.
I don't see it as so much of a womens issue as an English-speaking Canada issue.

Goddamn whiny anglos!!


:lmao: Oui oui! :yes:
Muddy was making fun of Pucky's random anti-Frenchie rants, Robyn. It was a funny joke to make.

Matty :highfive: Muddy

I honestly don't even know why I quoted Muddy because I wasn't angry with him. I am disgusted with everyone looking for a reason to sue someone. The quote was a boo boo.

All I heard on the TV this morning and radio to work and radio from work was that HORbag chick who doesn't understand why black guys were flirting with her on the field and in the locker room.

Interview with Mexican station Monday - "Oh, deey were yust yoking aroundz." Interview with American media Tuesday "I wuz so ofaynded by what day wer dooin."

Pending lawsuite, surely.
I'm sure that's what the dopey chicken-head woman was thinking. Hey, maybe there's a lawsuit in here somehow and I am moving to Easy Street! Alert the media and let the circus begin!

We get bombarded with American media so the litigious mindset can rub off. Truth be told, while American society is the worst for that, I could name some pretty damn stupid lawsuits that were successful in the Canadian system too.

But suing for trauma over finding the wrong chicken part in an order of chicken parts is (hopefully) going too far.