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People are animals

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Sorry Mudcat, I'm with the other guys. I think it's a marvelous expression of the anachronism that phone booths represent when someone makes a spectacle out of using one for a bathroom. He's telling people to go out and buy a cell phone, because it's better than standing in a puddle of urine to make your call. Hard to argue with that wisdom, isn't it?
Okay, I see what you're getting at. I read a disparaging inflection into Mudcat's quote up there and disagreed with it. Since the raw fact that we are indeed members of the animal kingdom is self-evident, I thought Mudcat was trying to express dismay or disappointment at people who would do such a thing. I was countering with my opinion with the fact that people who get upset about someone urinating in public need to find more important things to concern themselves with.
Okay, I see what you're getting at. I read a disparaging inflection into Mudcat's quote up there and disagreed with it. Since the raw fact that we are indeed members of the animal kingdom is self-evident, I thought Mudcat was trying to express dismay or disappointment at people who would do such a thing. I was countering with my opinion with the fact that people who get upset about someone urinating in public need to find more important things to concern themselves with.

Well on issues like this, I ask myself "what if everyone did it"?
If it is not OK for everyone to do it then it is not OK for me to do it.
Well on issues like this, I ask myself "what if everyone did it"?
If it is not OK for everyone to do it then it is not OK for me to do it.

I agree with this civilized philosophy.

The damnedest thing is that even people who make it to public washrooms aren't necessarily much better than phonebooth pee dude. I was in a subway shitter recently and it was astonishing the mess that people leave.

People just can't hit a target. Pee, poop, paper - it ends up everywhere.

People are animals.
Well on issues like this, I ask myself "what if everyone did it"?
If it is not OK for everyone to do it then it is not OK for me to do it.

Again I think this is only a concern of people who live too close to others. The population density of my town is 9/km2, so if everyone I know wanted to just start peeing wherever the urge struck them, it wouldn't really affect me much. Even in places where I run into others, like the marina and the general store, I think I could get used to people peeing outside those areas within sight of others. It's just dirt parking lots, nothing will be hurt by a little pee.