Hooligans Sportsbook

P-Roid and Mr.X

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Feb 1, 2010
I think I recall that both of you were going to submit an easy to understand and comprehensive manual to help the uneducated amongst us about understanding and calculating expected values as well as some other helpful tid bits.

Some of us are going broke waiting here.
I should still help wal, but I'm still dismayed over his reaction to Venditto. I don't know if I can get over that. I used to think everyone was reachable, but that belief has been shaken.

I have no excuse for not getting back to Matty yet.

God help me if the other Matt whom I continue to make wait months for similar information ever stops lurking and starts posting...

Which Matt?

A smart guy I've been occasionally emailing with for awhile. I'm horribly bad at answering his questions in any sort of timely manner. I told him about this place a couple weeks ago. He said that he signed up. I haven't noticed him posting.

What reaction to Venditto? Who can have a reaction to Venditto?

When wally decided to "show" patty by throwing money at him a la Blackie. It made me realize I just have no concept of how wally's mind works, and therefore, no idea how to try to teach him anything.