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Olympic Luge dude from Georgia died

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I feel like there could be more injuries.....are they looking at changing anything?

It tells you all you need to know about the Whistler Sliding Centre, venue for the Olympic luge, skeleton and bobsleigh, that one of its turns goes by the name of “50/50.”

The treacherous 13th curve is so called because when the track opened two years ago, athletes reckoned there was only a 50 per cent chance of making it through unscathed.

Another curve is known as “Shiver,” the sensation described by many sliders experiencing it for the first time.

But not everybody is comfortable with such gallows humour. With a vertical drop of 152 metres, greater than any other facility in the world, the Whistler track is acknowledged as the fastest there is, but there are fears it will also prove the most dangerous.

"Please, let there be no accidents there because that could kill the sport," said Andy Schmid, the performance director of British Skeleton, who condemns as irresponsible the Canadian authorities' decision to limit practice time for overseas competitors to just 40 training runs compared with the 300-plus runs set aside for Canadian athletes.

"People have the argument that it's just home advantage and that's normal for an Olympic host country, but it's different for sports involving high speed. Can you imagine in Formula One nobody being allowed on a track because somebody has home advantage?"

With a start that is almost vertical, corners that plunge the depth of three-storey buildings and a finishing curve that subjects sliders to a bigger G-force than that experienced in F1, the 1,450-metre track has been described by one coach as "an elevator shaft with ice."

Quite apart from its drop, propelling sleds to top speeds of 150kph (93mph), it has 16 of the most technically challenging curves in the world. They arrive so quickly at the bottom of the track that athletes are forced to rely on instinct to find the correct lines.

Britain's squad of sliders, led by 2006 Olympic skeleton silver medallist Shelley Rudman, have not been immune from the dangers the little time they have been allowed on the track. Adam 'A J' Rosen, Britain's sole luge competitor, has only recently returned to action after dislocating his hip and tearing muscles in training in October.

Nicola Minichiello and Gillian Cooke, the defending world champions in the two-woman bobsleigh, also had a spill during their most recent training stint in Whistler, flipping over at '50/50' and barrel-rolling all the way to the finish.

Cooke shrugged off the accident. "When you're looking for the hundredths of a second that are going to make the difference at the Games, you have to look for the fast lines, and the fast lines are often the dangerous lines," she said. "It's quite often the case that the top drivers in the world are the ones who take a spill in training looking for those extra hundredths.

"It's the ultimate sliding track, a really special place to slide. You're going at 150kph and you're pulling about five and half Gs on the bottom corner. It's very technical but it's such an adrenalin rush."

Mark Hatton, who represented Britain in the luge at the last two Olympics, has worked at Whistler full-time since 2007 as the Olympic luge competition manager and he described the course as "beautiful."

"What really sets this track apart from others is that it's so relentless," he said. "From the start to the finish you're constantly accelerating."

The acceleration builds until the sleds reach their maximum velocity at the labyrinthine sequence from curves 12 to 15. With the finish line looming, it is an area of the track appropriately known as “Gold Rush Trail,”, the place where Olympic titles are won and lost. Assuming, that is, the athletes are still in one piece.
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