Hooligans Sportsbook

Obligatory Daily Masturbation Qustion

Matty, you have a girlfriend now? I missed this. I'm guessing its not the chubby-chick and probably not the roomie either, right? Is she intelligent like the roomie and available like chubby-chick? Is she the type of girl that would apporove of you GameLive addiction? Does she even understand the words coming out of your mouth? Is she musically inclined? Does she prefer cut or un-cut? Do we get a pic of her? Is she FaceBook savvy? Does she gamble, well outside of sleeping with you? Does she say no to drugs?
Friend's girlfriend.

Wally I don't want a girlfriend.

Wally I kinda doubt that my next girlfriend will say no to drugs, but who knows. She just needs to say no to lots-of-drugs-all-the-time.

Wally you understand the fact that English is my second language, right? Up until 4 months ago, I never spoke English more than once a month, to give directions to tourists and shit. Wally you need to pick on something else about me, the marblemouth-English stuff just makes you look bad.
Matty my picking on you is purely out of respect. Some people get offended and others get all bent out of shape while still others I don't care enough about to pick on. I pick on you cause you can give it back (sometimes even better then it was given) like a champ.

Matty, if that is true about how you have been speaking English then it is truly amazing. I have been learning Spanish since the 4th grade and I can count to 3 with precision, 10 with a little doubt and say a total of about 13 words.