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More frenchie restaurant shenanigans - Evil OQLF

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Explode the OQLF someone, please.

The inspectors are probably mortified when they have to apply those retarded rules.

Restaurant operators should totally ignore any warnings/fines and tell the OQLF to go fuck themselves.
cami canadians have nothing to do with that shit

it's us silly quebecers

different country


Thank you!

Sadly, I doubt our American pals will understand.

Matty I am uncomfortable ordering a fukkin coffee at Tims in Hull QC because I feel like the only Anglo in town.

Driving over the bridge from Ottawa to Hull you can't help notice the change to Frenchieland is immediate.

The only English I hear is my own.

I order in French when possible but I know it sounds so fucking awful I'm embarrassed to speak it.

When I was in Laval a few years ago I remember trying to order a fukkin burger in French at McDonalds, what a clusterfuck.

PS: Matty, I enjoy visiting Quebec. Really.
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Shit, even Canadians don't get it. I was talking to a Vancouverite about the fact that Montreal is getting more and more English, which pisses off the rest of Quebec, and he was confused. "What? People there don't wanna speak French anymore?"


I was completely deflated by that. I tried to structure a quick answer but came up empty.

"It's not that. Oh hey, look, doggie!" *points at dog*

(The short answer is that there is a mass exodus of French-speaking Montrealers.)
Plommer over Christmas I was in Beloeil, QC and I went to Timmies to get a breakfast sandwich, sausage on a biscuit. It suddenly dawned on me that I had no idea how to order it in French. I started stuttering and had to point to the menu.

Timatin avec saucisse sur petit pain djeuner

Plommer over Christmas I was in Beloeil, QC and I went to Timmies to get a breakfast sandwich, sausage on a biscuit. It suddenly dawned on me that I had no idea how to order it in French. I started stuttering and had to point to the menu.

Timatin avec saucisse sur petit pain djeuner

Matty I read that and hear it in my mind in perfect Quebecois French, it's when my mouth opens that it doesn't quite sound the same.
That is just too much :facepalm:...I read somewhere they wanted the "pasta" dish re-named, along with half of the Italian dishes on the menu. I mean,c'mon ... i can understand they would like the french language to dominate, but they should respect the origins.