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lemme axe you this . . .

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Jan 27, 2010
Do you consider it customary in North America - like an unwritten rule - that people pass on the right?

Obviously that's what happens with cars - by law - but I'm thinking about other situations like walking/biking on a sidewalk or pushing a cart around the aisles at the grocery store. Do you stick to the right and expect people coming the other way to do the same? Or is it a constant every-man-for-himself situation to be individually sorted out every time.

I have been driving a car for 30+ years so hanging to the right seems natural and the mentality transfers to other situations. But more than just being a habit, I think it is good and proper. Just stick to the right. There is never any confusion. Nothing stupider to me than having someone walking straight at me and not knowing who is going to veer and maybe we both veer in the same direction at the same time, maybe even a couple times and it turns into this ghey dance sometimes complete with annoying nervous laughter and maybe even a useless apology or god-forbid a lame-ass one-liner. Argh!

Sometimes I want to grab people by the lapels and scream, "This is North America - stay to the fucking right, you massive unsightly fucktard!" and then just start wailing away on their head.

But I'm not sure if that's proper.

So I'm curious about other opinions.

Muddy old people should always stay in the right lane.

But yes I wonder this as well. When someone is walking towards me in a narrow hallway, do we both veer towards our right as we pass by each other? Do the rules of the road apply to the rules of life?

I think you should pass on the right. Not just driving, but I remember in elementary school they told you to walk up and down the stairs on the right. I ride the subway almost everyday, it is a cluster fuck. People going in 72 different directions. WOuld be much better if people just stuck to the right side.
usually that's how it works. But some people are pretty oblivious to everyone else. The Chinese or maybe Japaneses, they really don't notice anybody. It's up to you to get the fuck out their way. I've spent a lot of time walking amongst motherfuckers.
Muddy, I hear that when you have taken a blow to the head you need another blow to clear your mind?

I was walking along the sidewalk today and someone was coming towards me from the other way. I was at the far right as I always am. The other person was also on my side though, their left. So I figure I'll just keep walking and they'll figure it out. But no, they keep walking right at me.

There is no way I'm veering. I'm right where I should be. But they keep coming. It's the lamest game of chicken ever. Finally they are like 5 strides away and I stop dead and even do a bit of this: :dunno: Like, dude, what're ya gonna do?

Well they kept walking straight. They walked right into me and we had a big face-to-face collision. There was this huge explosion. Carnage everywhere.

I mean, what is wrong with people?
usually that's how it works. But some people are pretty oblivious to everyone else. The Chinese or maybe Japaneses, they really don't notice anybody. It's up to you to get the fuck out their way. I've spent a lot of time walking amongst motherfuckers.

I hate to say it but Asians are the worst. I am against most racial stereotyping but I have to acknowledge that Asians have very poor organization and spacial orientation when it comes to gettin' around. They just do.

The little tale I described above was true and the guy was Asian. Okay I changed the ending; the explosion and lives in tatters did not occur. What actually happened was when the game of chicken started getting fairly close, he actually veered further to his left, right off the sidewalk. He had the whole right side clear but that was his solution.

No harm done but it was just so weirdly stupid.