No that's her and she is a she. You're safe. I've seen her 3 times, never of sound mind. I had a 60-second conversation with her once and I was shooting salad all over the place with blatant nonsense. It was awesome.
it originated and its 100% funded and protected by rio's drug lords
in a public concert they got to play around with the lyrics to keep it safe, if they don't and the police have enough personnel to pull an operation they'd shut it down on the spot. most of the concerts happen in favelas though and the police don't dare there. real gangster rap.
Goshdarnit....I decided to not go for a variety of reasons. I had a green light from Robyn, but just thought I should catch her another time.
Then I'm sitting here jamming on Pandora...and out of all the millions of songs they could play, and the 400 Baby Anne songs they could play, the pull up my favorite one. Fuck me.
I was even thinking about heading down to catch the last half of her set. But no. I shall be wise and stay at home.