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Is it okay to swallow gum?

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Jan 27, 2010
It's a question that has been out there as long as there has been gum. As long as I remember, people have been theorizing and debating on the physical properties of gum through the digestion process and it's effect on our internal biology.

As it turns out, I have the final and definitive answer.

Yes, it's fine.
Be careful Muddy. I one time consumed a bulk pack of bazooka joe bubble gum and a large pot of chili at the same time and found myself floating adjacent to the shower ceiling until the ass bubble popped leading to a vicious fall to the floor.

Just be careful man.
I myself don't chew gum of any kind. I did at times when I was a kid but it's been ages.

Don't like the sensation of chewing gum and don't like what people look like chewing gum. Don't want to look like that.

Cow-cud action ----> pass
Did you all hear that rumor that it takes the body 7 years to digest gum?

It's not true. I read an article on it once, and a particular line from said article, a quote from a quote from one doctor Milov, cracked me up and stuck with me, he said:
normal housekeeping waves in the digestive tract will sort of push it through, and it will come out pretty unmolested."
It's funny the theories that people contrive. Imaginations will run wild. I used to hear that if you swallowed gum it would collect in your appendix.

Apparently I was a fearless kid tho as I swallowed a whole shitload of gum.

Was not a stick-chewed-gun-under-the-desk kid at all. I mean I'm sure I did it - as I did every kind of dirtbag kid behavior at one time - but it was not my style.

Sticking chewed gum places - not the young Mudcat's tao.
Thrills gum was/is NASTY. I prefer Cinnamon gum to minty types of gum.

If someone offers you gum more than once in a day, you should re-visit your dental hygiene practices.

I keep some gum in the car at all times but that's about it... It used to be to hide the smell of weed on my breath or act as a stop gap measure until I could brush after a meal.