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I know we've talked about advertizing before

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I wonder what promotional methods Bill Hicks employed to fill the seats at his shows.


In Renoland we all eat unbranded SPAM right out of the can, we sow our own clothes out of the same generic scrub material provided by the govt, and we sit by the fire eating unbranded marshmallows and playing the one govt sanctioned song ourselves, since mass communication is prohibited.

Sounds like fun.
Why should it be outlawed? This will be good.

Basically its a double negative for the community. Its a bunch of unnecessary work/jobs that should be eliminated. Instead of creating a need that doesnt exist these people can be working on fulfilling needs that do. Or at the very least sitting at home and staying out of the way of those who are doing something worthwhile.

If we got rid of shit like this and other similar crap I bet we could have a 3 hour work week and preserve the environment. :up:

The clip hits on it very nicely imo
Deceptive and false advertising is outlawed by statute and volumes of case law. More regulation is not what we need - businesses should be free to convince customers to comsume their products... just like customers should be free to not comsume the product.
I wonder what promotional methods Bill Hicks employed to fill the seats at his shows.


In Renoland we all eat unbranded SPAM right out of the can, we sow our own clothes out of the same generic scrub material provided by the govt, and we sit by the fire eating unbranded marshmallows and playing the one govt sanctioned song ourselves, since mass communication is prohibited.

Sounds like fun.

Mattay! I understand you fell better when your spam is branded. pawn. :grin: :buddy:
BTW if MrX agrees with you, he needs to destroy his motorcycle, cause it never made it to market. The guy who invented it still has the original production run in his garage. He's just waiting for customers that will never come cause they have no way to find out about him.

You guys just like to be outcasts and rant.
Basically its a double negative for the community. Its a bunch of unnecessary work/jobs that should be eliminated. Instead of creating a need that doesnt exist these people can be working on fulfilling needs that do. Or at the very least sitting at home and staying out of the way of those who are doing something worthwhile.

If we got rid of shit like this and other similar crap I bet we could have a 3 hour work week and preserve the environment. :up:

The clip hits on it very nicely imo

You hate big corporations, if there were no marketing then the big corporations get bigger. Marketing a product that you can use can improve your life. What do you want marketing people to do - besides sit at home and get obamacare?
:clueless: big corporations are the ones who advertise primarily.

The advertising I see about the health co-op insurance or whatever they're calling it now is the disgusting thing I've seen recently.

I constantly see this hype commercial on tv. They really arent providing any worthwhile info, which is actually very much needed.
You need quality information so someone else should be obligated to provide it for you? God forbid there be a little personal responsibility and you actually seek out what you need.

I've seen plenty of "advertisements" directing people to sources of information. Unfortunately, you have to be burdened with deciding what works best for you based on your own individual circumstances.
Reno - go to an independant insurance agent. They can help you far more than a commercial. Hard to make commercials for this crap when the rules keep changing. You want unbiased opinions, check out Consumers Reports.

You are very wrong about corporations doing all of the advertising. Local media is mainly local advertising.
yes they should be providing information not hype. I don't believe people understand what Obamacare is and thats why there is so much controversy about it. In fact that seems deliberate.

They talk in hyperbole. Hyping up the notion for primarily young healthy people who dont need medicine to by into some insurance. There is no discussion of providing medical service to those who actually need it.

hype over substance thats what its all about.
Furthermore, its a kind of sad imo and less than human to live in a world where you are bombarded by messages of someone trying to sell you something for their own obvious gain. You get to feeling like everyone is somekind of a selfish asshole. You get a distorted and ugly view of the world and feel isolated.