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How do you bet HORSES?

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Horses are where i got my start and betting them still makes up well over half my income. The concepts are similiar to sports betting, the problem is finding a way to make a productive model that will overcome the huge takeout. Saying that it can be done with alot of work and focusing on the nuances of individual tracks.
cobra_king is the one to ask about this. He knows. Personally, I never would. The pari-mutuel nature of wagering and the high hold make it an extremely difficult thing to overcome. There are no "off-market" numbers in horse racing. I would think any advantage bettors would need to wait until a few minutes before post to make their wagers if they want to employ any type of valuation analysis. Even then, you really couldn't be certain what your bet actually is until post.
LIke sports betting it's about finding value...... At larger tracks you can even find a few inefficiencies in the place and show pools. I was going to post where's cobra when you need him but apparently he found you. He is a fairly sharp horse bettor......