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How About The Truth?

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
So I stayed off of Gamelive today. Just got home and I see that Caligirl had a lot to say. Cali, you could have just not brought up my name in posts, but I guess you had to anyway.

Lets make this entirely clear.

Early February, she friended me on Facebook after a mutual friend started a post.

She called and texted me 10-20 times a day talking about what it would be like to be with me (I BEG you to argue that point Cali)

She told me all about her ex-or boyfriend, saying she wasn't happy.

She sent numerous texts saying she wished she was with me at that moment doing things that you guys can use your imagination on (once again, argue this point Cali)

After the Skype convo, she said she would call me the next day, which never came to fruition. After that day I called her a total of 3 times. (that would be in a matter of 9 days)

She told me during that time the reason she couldn't talk was because she was busy and that I had to understand. She pointed out her ex didn't even get to see her or talk to her that much. (so far, am I wrong about ANYTHING?)

Her conversation last night was the first convo we have had in days. Keep in mind that during that 9 day period, I had said to her if she wasn't interested anymore, let me know. I would not text or call again. She said that was not the case, and explained she was busy.

Last night, the Facebook conversation came after she had watched the video and knew that by TRYING to grab info about me, she would look better in your guys eyes. If I am wrong, tell me, why was last night she became SO much more interested in my well being? Also, not ONCE in my video did I talk of killing myself of even hinted it..lol. (oh, by the way I have had 10 different people watch it and they all agreed)

The facts are this.

Caligirl likes attention (and God bless her). She decided that I wasn't her type (and that is fine) she also decided that she has new friends at Gamelive and I wasn't needed anymore as a friend (proven by how abruptly she deleted me from Facebook). I don't care what she does now, but kiddo, maybe its best you just stick with posting and stop using my name to make yourself look like something you aren't. You aren't hot shit and you are nothing more than a chick posting on a sports website. Enjoy that. One last thing, if you decide to refute anything I say, I have texts and proof. Just a reminder that no matter how slick you think you are, you are not as slick as you wished you were.

Sweet dreams
You aren't hot shit

I think I "met" the girl of my dreams. No seriously. I was on Facebook today and responded to a friends post. This response elicited a response from this girl that elicited 20 more responses. This led to her adding me as a friend and her and I talking for 2 hours. Yes, she has seen pics of me. Yes she is 24. yes she is super cute. I truly mean super cute. Problem. She lives in New Jersey. I share this because I have been in Vegas for over a year and all the tail out here is prime, but this girl hit me right away. I must be losing my fucking mind.

Which is it? :clueless:

(Cali, you are hot shit.)
Gamelive.com is very hard to stay away from. I think Polaroid/Juror and Baggio sprinkle crack around the forum.

I mean seriously, who has ever really left Gamelive? I can think of like 5 or 6 TOPS (Dunder, XPansive, Emmi, Immortality....)

CaliGrl this may require a video retort. One time, common.
I hate to break it to you casper but you were barely missed today. A few cracks were lobbed out at your expense (well-deserved) but people moved on pretty quick. Believe it or not, there are other things going on for people here besides the ghey drama between your ears.

You don't have to go away. Just regroup and cut the hyper-needy stuff and be a guy.
Casper why did Teela delete you? She isn't hot shit either, even though she thinks she is.


Teela deleted me because I was an ass. Regardless, this time around I didn't do what you all think I may have. Listen, I made my point. if it isn't important, than I will stay away. trust me, I had no intention of being on here today. Obviously, what really went down isn't important. That's fine. Guys, have a good one.