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Have you guys heard about this Katelyn Hunt case in Florida?

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R.E.M. enthusiast
Apr 9, 2010
High school senior school girl...cheerleader, choir, won "school spirit" award, has relationship with one of her basketball teammates (also a girl.) Here's the problem...senior is 18 years old, her lover is 14.

Basketball coach tells the parents of the 14 year old. They go to the police. Senior is arrested and now facing 30 years in jail for statuatory rape. Her position is that she didn't know she was doing anything wrong..they both go to the same school etc etc.

She believes she is being singled out because of anti -gay sentiment in the community. The gays have taken up her cause claiming discrimination. I think an 18 year old male dating a 14 year old girl would have received the same treatment.

She declined a plea deal initially of some sort, and then got out and broke probation by sending 20,000 texts to her 'lover." I think now she's back in jail looking at 30 years.

Isn't that a little excessive for a high school romance? Do you think she would have been treated any differently if she were a guy? better? worse?
No discrimination re: gays. Discrimination on people who engage in sexual activity with 14 year olds.

Plenty of statutory cases are ridiculous given the facts, many go unreported due to lack of knowledge/fully private consentual relationships.

Statutory rape statutes are in place to protect minors. 14 seems like a reasonable age to apply a statutory rape statute and 18 seems like a reasonable adult age such that the statute is in force. I doubt the sex/sexual orientation has any effect on the case here. I'm glad the adults in that community had the fortitude to protect our vulnerable minors.
Wish you guys would give Florida a break. Geesh between Seffner, the infamous re-count, our teachers who prefer them prepubescent and now this.

We soon will have THE BEST DAMN ALL INCLUSIVE RC PARK IN THE SOUTH! So lets all just focus on that.
she is not a threat or menace to society IMO

our court system needs to help save us taxpayers from the incredible cost of imprisonment and court fees here.

if she really sent 20k texts. I'd be okay with her serving a day in prison for each 100 texts she sent. just to help HER break that addiction.

take the money we save from having her go to jail for 5-10 years and spend it by sending it to some small tv stations to do to catch a predator type shows. go after the real miscreants
Hi Boner. I agree with you. I guess the only part that makes me think is that they went to the same school. I know it's still 14 vs 18 but 30 years? really?

Where the adult preys on the child is not the issue. What if a guy was held back 3 years and the child was an eight grader? 21 on 12 - but same school!

Also, you mistake possible sentence with sentence. Huff post is wrongly psyching you out - she'll do 1-2 years out in 6mo.
she is not a threat or menace to society IMO

our court system needs to help save us taxpayers from the incredible cost of imprisonment and court fees here.

if she really sent 20k texts. I'd be okay with her serving a day in prison for each 100 texts she sent. just to help HER break that addiction.

take the money we save from having her go to jail for 5-10 years and spend it by sending it to some small tv stations to do to catch a predator type shows. go after the real miscreants

She is a menace. She's an adult who can't keep it in her pants when it comes to her underage lover. In FL 16 year olds are protected as not able to make decisions regarding thier body WITH AN ADULT (notice 16 on 14 is fine). The statute envisions adults wrongly influencing minors - and it sounds like that's at least possible here.

I don't think youre wrong re: balancing the cost with the degree of the wrong (probably low here) and I believe if we bump this thread after sentencing and discharge the cost will have been reasonable.
Where the adult preys on the child is not the issue. What if a guy was held back 3 years and the child was an eight grader? 21 on 12 - but same school!

Also, you mistake possible sentence with sentence. Huff post is wrongly psyching you out - she'll do 1-2 years out in 6mo.

I didn't read the Huff Post article..I just posted that for additional background. .I was going off a 20/20 or Dateline show I saw a week ago. I said "looking at 30 years" because my understanding is she is refusing to take a plea and wants to go to trial." The 20k texts she sent while out does not help her case.

I do think there is a diff between 21 year old man with 12 year old girl. I don't know any 12 years old in 8th grade btw. Where should the line be drawn? I don't know. That is why I was interested in other's opinions.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/19/kaitlyn-hunt-florida-teen-felony-same-sex_n_3302713.html updated article
HAH - i have no frame of reference how old different grades are. Point still remains.

Line drawing is what statutes necessiarilly do and often I think they get it right. Particularly when you realize that the criminal justice system interacting with the judicial system is where the reason/common sense gets applied. For example in the case at hand...

She's doing 4months. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/kaitlyn-hunt-plead-teen-sex-case-article-1.1475135
oh...also the relationship started I think long before she was 18.

Even so, then that's 17 - 13, gross IMO. I know at a certain point age no longer matters, but I think anything below the age of 16 should be off limits. 15 years of age and younger, IMO are too young to be having sex, and understanding all the emotions that come with it. I'm not one that thinks you have to wait till marriage, but I also do not, and will not encourage sex/sexual activities in young ones. 14 especially, one would likely have just barely started their period and developing in other areas. Does no one realize how young that really is?
HAH - i have no frame of reference how old different grades are. Point still remains.

Line drawing is what statutes necessiarilly do and often I think they get it right. Particularly when you realize that the criminal justice system interacting with the judicial system is where the reason/common sense gets applied. For example in the case at hand...

She's doing 4months. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/kaitlyn-hunt-plead-teen-sex-case-article-1.1475135

I hadn't heard about the new deal. Sounds like it was done shortly after the national television show. She was not talking to the press prior to that. Maybe they were worried about jury nullification. I agree the statutes are pretty spot on, and that there are wide variances to allow for pleas etc and that there was probably no chance she ever would have served 30 years unless she kept refusing the bp. I just wanted some discussion.

Thank you for your imput. Carry on.
I agree cami. And not only that but does anyone realize how old 18 is? This is it, welcome to the world of responsibility. You are an old senior or graduated high school. You are an adult and it's comes with rights and responsibilities. In an ideal world these statues would only apply to judged adults with each individual being judged differently - but that's simply not feasible.
Even so, then that's 17 - 13, gross IMO. I know at a certain point age no longer matters, but I think anything below the age of 16 should be off limits. 15 years of age and younger, IMO are too young to be having sex, and understanding all the emotions that come with it. I'm not one that thinks you have to wait till marriage, but I also do not, and will not encourage sex/sexual activities in young ones. 14 especially, one would likely have just barely started their period and developing in other areas. Does no one realize how young that really is?

hahaha I feel like Cali in the Unwed mother thread. I am not promoting statuatory rape. I agree she should be prosecuted. I was wondering if anyone else had heard of the case and that 30 years seems excessive for a high school romance. It was to be more about the question of discrimination ...would they have been treated differently if one/both were male.
its a different world

in the grand scheme of human history. 18 year old humans having to look at laws to have sex or marry those 17 and under are pretty sparse.

that being said

my daugther won't have sex until 22