dude i have no schedule, cricket world cup has been on this past week, so everything revolves around that right now.
around 00:00h, read up, place prop bets. watch dvr-ed news from, sao paulo 1hr, buenos aires 1hr, madrid 1hr. go to diner for dinner/breakfast. Brazilian soap opera. take a morning siesta. 9:00h-ish go to Indian restaurant before they open to watch cricket in their special foreign channel in my reserved table. live bet the first match of the day. walk to a park close by. live bet the second match of the day. go out jogging. take a shower. visit family. sleep. wake up 22ish. fast food. sosexyescortsdotcom on occasion. Colombian soap opera. browse newspaper sites from around 10 countries. check scores. read up, place prop bets.
and of course keeping up with GL on the iphone