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Forum Doings.....

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BGS 9.5

Basement Dweller
Jan 31, 2010
Apparently, I missed a whole lot yesterday while in my "let's drink a case of beer while I knock off my to-do list" mode. I read a bunch on the whole Brock thing across the street, and after digesting these tasty morsels of the whole CU thing, I once again can't help but feel this is all one big joke I was never let in on. Given an extra dime by the teller? Crowing about it on a gambling forum? Ratted out to the CU by a gambling board poster? The business card (LOLZ)? And now fired from Pizza Hut by an anonymous call? Please. This is either attention whoring taken to the "n th" degree, or a huge orchestration by SBR to have some fun. Either way, it is pathetic. What intellligence I do have is insulted. And now, CB gets banned over there for something Bread said? Really???

Apparently the internet is serious business. Really, I wonder what goes on behind the scenes at SBR. Do John, Bill and JJ wake up one morning and say to each other "Hey, let's have Brock post a bunch of pretend BS about a CU withdrawl and really fukk with people". Or is it more like Brock woke up one morning and decided that rubberband plays were not garnising him as much attention as he wanted? I have always enjoyed the stupid schtick that goes on over there ( i.e. JJ's fake spreadsheet), but the whole act has worn thin on me. I am officially done there. :fuckyourmother:

Viva la GayMElive :robynballs:

Bread, do you really want to beat Illini's ass guey? It's ok, I haven't met him, but him and his whole repeating himself thing always irritated the fuck out of me. No mames.

I am a jrunk with no life, so I will be posting full time here now. Now go get a beer and STFU.
The decision to post here is a good one in principle.

Given your reasons, it is slightly dubious as this forum is getting more SBR by the day. Everything you described that turned you off there was linked and gossiped about here just the same. You won't be escaping it.


But overall there is a better level of discussion at this forum no doubt.
BGS welcome full time. I'm sorry that I had to put on a huge display of being the ass for it to happen.

No, I don't want to beat up anyone. I'm just a moron who does 2 day benders and does dumb shit.

BGS welcome full time. I'm sorry that I had to put on a huge display of being the ass for it to happen.

No, I don't want to beat up anyone. I'm just a moron who does 2 day benders and does dumb shit.xoxoxoxo

No need to apologize, I am in the middle of one now.

I just deleted my SBR bookmark lol. Now let's drink.
No drinkies for me. Just wanna watch movies. I'm conflicted tho. I've invested so much time in this World Cup that I feel obligated to watch the final. Even tho I don't wanna.

Should I just man up and skip it?
Muddy I wasn't projecting anything. I've said countless times how much I like ya as a poster and as a musical talent but there are times when it seems as nothing is completely to your liking. Kind of negative at times (not that we all can't be) and was wondering if there something much deeper you wanted to release. We are here for you Mudders. Some will say they don't but we all care Muddy.

On a totally different matter. When you were at SBR did you dabble in ghosting? i ask cause when Coug's brought the thread back up and I was reading through it I noticed several recognizable simularities in you and HonestAbe. Not Abe's babbling but the way he babbled kind of look masked in Muddism. Certain posters tend to take on accents and his was for whatever reason very close to yours. Just asking so don't go all huffy on me. I luvs ya Muddy.
Muddy, you're never truly happy for very long are you?

LOL...spot on, Wal.

Mudders, why is gamelive turning into SBR? Examples, please.

Muddy I wasn't projecting anything. I've said countless times how much I like ya as a poster and as a musical talent but there are times when it seems as nothing is completely to your liking. Kind of negative at times (not that we all can't be) and was wondering if there something much deeper you wanted to release. We are here for you Mudders. Some will say they don't but we all care Muddy.

On a totally different matter. When you were at SBR did you dabble in ghosting? i ask cause when Coug's brought the thread back up and I was reading through it I noticed several recognizable simularities in you and HonestAbe. Not Abe's babbling but the way he babbled kind of look masked in Muddism. Certain posters tend to take on accents and his was for whatever reason very close to yours. Just asking so don't go all huffy on me. I luvs ya Muddy.

Let's be nice Wal! Muddy makes a good point! Muddy you are wonderful! :hattip:

Wal, I like you too but when push comes to shove I know you have stated numerous times over there is where your loyalty goes and over here is where Muddy's is! :yes:

I'm into the community thing as Bread puts it and here's my community! Won't let you poke at loyal GL posters! When you have to take a crap do it at the toilet next door! :grin:

Wal, you totally positive your unavailable to make that golf date with John? :laugh: