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Eckhart, Power of Now, and Feeding the Ego Through 80's nostalgia

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value in all things
May 24, 2011
Tolle preaches self salvation. While this goes against my Christian theology, I can appreciate certain aspects of his philosophy. The ego in particular I agree is fed by not living in the moment. Since ego is one of my larger problems I decided to trek down this path.

Is it me or just my ego that finds pleasure in the memories of the 80's? It was a great time of life for me..was it that good or is it the ego kicking and screaming to over rate this period of life to hold on to it's dominance in my life?

So confused...
Ok. While I have not read the book and it is probably not good for me to discuss things of this nature before my morning coffee, I will say I do have problems "living in the moment," "being self aware,' with "consciousness (on a couple of levels-ha) etc.
It is something I have thought about passively before I go back thinking about last week, last year or the future.

It has been years since I have thought about the ego, superego, id or Freud at all. I need a refresher as to the ego and how you think focusing on another decade feeds yours.

I will take a peek at the book though the last self awareness book I bought (The Teathered Soul-Michael Singer) has been sitting on the shelf for a while now. I think both were Oprah praised, and I know the one you mentioned was the "It" Hollywood book for a time.

You may have to dumb your posts down a bit for me or others with not a lot of background in psychology btw, but interesting subject from what I can gather...lol

Oh and maybe add a short explanation of what Tolle means by self salvation. I know what is meant by salvation in Christian terms. I am not sure what you mean when you say he preaches self salvation. Maybe I should read the book first, but I need to know if I would really have an appropriate level of interest first I guess.
Tolle does not use the words self salvation but others have pegged it as this. More often than not, this classification is by those that espouse classical religions. For example, I am christian. As such, only Jesus is the path to heaven for me. Tolle's methods can improve your liife on Earth but what is a good life here if it costs you your soul is the agruement.

So Tolle goes on that the greatest reason for personal unhappiness is the ego. It relives the past pains and glory while introducing fear about the uncertain future. It grows and is sustained by this energy. If one lives moment to moment in the present, the ego is slowly starved and begins to lose its influence on our actions. As this happens, a truer sense of the world is revealed. It does not promise eternalhappiness in the now but gives the user the tools to overcome the obstacles that exist in the present.

So when I listen to 80's music, I grin and think of the good times. Wonderful feelings but verbooten according to Tolle...
I get that I guess on some level I guess. I don't understand the mutual exclusivity with Christianity however.

It sounds like Tolle's tools can make you lead a more satisfying life on earth, while you keeping your belief system in the present as well, therefore still keeping Christ as the path to your heavenly salvation. I must be missing a piece here.

Is it when the ego is starved there is more influence from the id? causing one to loosen up on things that may run contrary to one's morals/values?

I may need more coffee for this. May I ask how old you are Valorem?
It is not exclusive to Christanity...I just used the relation because I am that. Tolle is more philosophy than anything else. The easiest I can quantify it to the broadest amount of people is to used religion (organized) as a common comparison.

I have no idea on the causation/correlation between id and ego or even if it exists.

I am old
It is not exclusive to Christanity...I just used the relation because I am that. Tolle is more philosophy than anything else. The easiest I can quantify it to the broadest amount of people is to used religion (organized) as a common comparison.

I have no idea on the causation/correlation between id and ego or even if it exists.

I am old

I think you misread,...I said mutually exclusive i.e, why can they both not exist together? The impression I got was it was an either/or proposition as you said it was at odds with your Christian beliefs. Maybe I misunderstood you.

I am old too....at least relative to most here. And a Christian too...with a pretty liberal definition of Christian.

Yes Tully...Let us know what you think.
Ah Both can not exist together because the fundamental tenants are so opposed. Christianity is based on the redeemer...someone who can do for us that we can not do for ourselves. Sin can not be eradicated in the base form of humanity. Our hearts are stones...our best deeds are dirty rags to the Lord. Only through the redeeming power of the blood can one get to eternal life. The foundation of Jesus and that none shall pass but through him....what christians believe

Now Tolle says that our problems can be dealt with on our own without the aid of Jesus, Buddha, or whatever higher power you choose to employ in your life. He ascertains that by this and your own effort can you find contentment...he does not say salvation but he does say that the power is entirely in your hands and not the supernatural.

So with prayer being an integral part of living the christian life...the power of now and the practice of presence goes against this as self reliance is the only tenant Tolle uses
It would seem to me that you could believe that many problems in one's life may be helped/eradicated by using his methods without disregarding the Christian belief that the way to the kingdom of God is thru Christ...even continuing prayer...Unless he specifically says that religions are at odds with his principles for some reason. Just as if some people believe you can better your life with exercise, meditation, or whatever without abandoning their religious principles.

I guess I think of those who write books that preach you do not need drugs to cure depression...there are other methods for achieving happiness...meditation, God, exercise, whatever......Now while those things could for some person perhaps work on their own, one might be even better helped by doing those things in combination with a proper medication regimen. While the author may think that no one NEEDS those other things..that depression could be cured with other things ALONE, he/she could probably not argue that both types of treatment could co-exist (whether or not they agree that one is beneficial) Of course in this scenario one could argue the dangers of the drugs...but I'm not sure if he sees religion as a danger per se, or just sees it as not necessary.
I guess I view those as two separate issues...one as a way to achieve after death salvation, and one as a means to lead a more satisfying life here on earth. And obviously whatever he is pushing as far as methods to starve the ego, is not going to get one salvation, but I don't see why the two could not co-exist for the latter.

Sounds like I would have to read the book to better understand your view.
Tolle preaches self salvation. While this goes against my Christian theology, I can appreciate certain aspects of his philosophy. The ego in particular I agree is fed by not living in the moment. Since ego is one of my larger problems I decided to trek down this path.

Is it me or just my ego that finds pleasure in the memories of the 80's? It was a great time of life for me..was it that good or is it the ego kicking and screaming to over rate this period of life to hold on to it's dominance in my life?

So confused...

I agree
So Tolle goes on that the greatest reason for personal unhappiness is the ego. It relives the past pains and glory while introducing fear about the uncertain future. It grows and is sustained by this energy. If one lives moment to moment in the present, the ego is slowly starved and begins to lose its influence on our actions. As this happens, a truer sense of the world is revealed. It does not promise eternalhappiness in the now but gives the user the tools to overcome the obstacles that exist in the present.

Bump for the healing heart