Is that really a thing though? The idea that gamelive is a place for continuous plastered posting.
I'm not meaning to be a dick - I'll probably sound like a dick - not meaning to - for the love of god, do some plastered posting and I'll join right in - until beddy-bye time anyway - which is midnight for anyone keeping score - pretty much on the dot - midnight for Mudcat - anyway, main point being, I would like to put my full endorsement behind some plastered posting.
But at the risk of sounding like a dick, my memory over the lifetime of the forum is of waking up in the morning and seeing threads from the previous overnight that were like, "Hey, I'm drunk, who wants to talk to me?"
And then 20 minutes later someone else would show up, "Hey I'm here!"
And that would be about it. Okay, I'm probably exaggerating the lameness a bit but that was the general flavor of many a thread I remember.
But yeah the forum has changed. In many ways. Probably none moreso than how it became less Breadly when Bread left.
You can't go away and come back and be surprised that it's not as Breadtastic as it was when Bread was here.
That's just simple math.