I don't at all but apparently she is to some. I never got the deal with Pink either, but I know several guys who thought she hottest chick ever, Thoughts?
To me it looks like she has lost a lot of weight since her disney days, I liked her better then, now she is just a little too out there, seems like she is trying to hard these days. Cali loves her. I don't have much of an opinion one way or the other, she's a young lady in the spot light trying to find herself and grow up. She'll figure it out eventually.
Miley was sort of a cute kid in the way that lots of kids can't help but be cute. Her voice was never attractive and her attempts to act were painful to watch, but in a still picture, she could be cute-ish.
But she has matured into a graceless, distasteful thing that makes me want to disinfect everything she goes near. Not attractive to me. Revolting.
Pink is hot except for that whole smoking thing. She's not hot in the typical kind of sexy way. More hot cause of that Fok U kind of attitude and a cool voice. If she were to quit smoking she could have my bone.