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Casper's Famous Bloody mary Recipe

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
As most of you know, I was a bartender before I took the plunge into writing. I have two things I am proud of making...Bloody Mary's and Margaritas. Here is my secret Bloody Mary recipe. I have NEVER shared this with anyone, but I love you guys.

2 cans of V8 Spicy Tomato Juice
4 jiggers of Absolut Peppar or any vodka
3 dashes of Soy Sauce
1/2 teaspoon of dried wasabi
5 shakes of Worchtershire sauce
2 teaspoons of horseradish
1 pinch of sugar and salt
2 splashes of olive juice
1 dash of Tobasco

Mix all ingredients in tumbler, strain over ice filled glass rimmed with pepper and coarse salt.
As most of you know, I was a bartender before I took the plunge into writing. I have two things I am proud of making...Bloody Mary's and Margaritas. Here is my secret Bloody Mary recipe. I have NEVER shared this with anyone, but I love you guys.

2 cans of V8 Spicy Tomato Juice
4 jiggers of Absolut Peppar or any vodka
3 dashes of Soy Sauce
1/2 teaspoon of dried wasabi
5 shakes of Worchtershire sauce
2 teaspoons of horseradish
1 pinch of sugar and salt
2 splashes of olive juice
1 dash of Tobasco

Mix all ingredients in tumbler, strain over ice filled glass rimmed with pepper and coarse salt.

I will make this if you can explain the difference between a jigger, dash, shake, pinch and splash.
jigger is a measuring term for liquid. count to 4 when you pour the vodka out of a speed pour top. If you are pouring out of a normal vodka bottle that has the plastic top, count to 3. A dash is a liquid shake. A pinch is your 2 fingers grabbing a small amount, and a splash is more than a dash, but less than a full jigger pour.
and that's why you go to bartending school

I went to bartending school 18 years ago. BIGGEST waste of time. I learned drinks I have NEVER made. Only time I even hear some of those drinks being ordered was when we had bartending college kids coming in for drinks and testing them out. To this day I have never had to make a "Slow Comfortable Screw Against A Wall With A Bang".
jigger is a measuring term for liquid. count to 4 when you pour the vodka out of a speed pour top. If you are pouring out of a normal vodka bottle that has the plastic top, count to 3. A dash is a liquid shake. A pinch is your 2 fingers grabbing a small amount, and a splash is more than a dash, but less than a full jigger pour.

Thanks for the quick reply. I don't want to go to bar school to learn all this when we have a bartender in the house. I will gather all the ingredients this weekend and give it a try Casper.
Thanks for the quick reply. I don't want to go to bar school to learn all this when we have a bartender in the house. I will gather all the ingredients this weekend and give it a try Casper.

Pavers, the only ingriedient you can tinker with is the Worchteshire. I like quite a bit, some people like less.I like the color of the Bloody Mary to be on a burnt red color.