OK no problem. I was BORN to reply to this thread.
Pavy - because some posters, including myself, Shanty and Mr Monkey, were needling him. Pavy did not like that. He has been poking around a bit again recently. But nothing major.
Scholar - He was looking for an online book club. We are not an online book club. We are fucking morons that happen to gamble.
Herman - Didn't like how strangers online were becoming familiar with real life facets of his pitiful life. One day Herman will realize that he is one of us. There is no hope for him. No happy ending. Just sorrow and self-disgust. He will be back.
Ron Mexico - Pally scared her.
Immortality - Was chugging along just fine. Then Bateman got banned for a few days from sbr and started posting here again and Immor said he was out of here til Patty was banned or left. Not sure why he's not posting anymore, but check my avatar. I miss that kid.
Jello - Tripped over his labia and hurt his head. Lot of fun in person, but has some serious hang-ups online. Hope he still makes New Orleans.
Hawk - Started a thread featuring a picture of his hot sister. The boys did exactly what he knew they would. He then got weird and went M.I.A for sometime. Returned, Stated that his leaving had NOTHING to do with that thread. Then also said that he always wanted to bang his sister. Hasn't posted since I don't think.
Brock Landers - SBRJohn whistled.
BadNina - Found herself deep in some religious threads. This is a very rough crowd and truthfully, Nina is too sweet to find herself in those types of debates/arguments. She does fine in other types of threads, but should make a point to stay out of anything that has potential to bloom into beautiful animosity. But she hasn't been back since.
Binar-99 - I killed him dead. With my hands.
Yellowfist9 - Became scared that SBR would freeze his points because he was posting here. That's not a joke. I'm being dead fucking serious.
Tomato - Thought this was a sports gambling forum. Wrong.