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Blind Date Etiquette

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Jan 30, 2010
Alright. Could use some assistance here. Mock posts are expected but I will only be paying attention to the serious ones.

Date confirmed with this massage therapist girl tomorrow night. She seems sweet; I don't find her very attractive but for me it's more about getting back in the saddle. Now some of you might be thinking why would Steve be asking for this he was fucking Tris from date 1. This is because Tris was a sure thing before I ever even met her; she saw my picture and we talked on the phone and it was already confirmed I would be coming over to fuck her before we even met. This was for numerous reasons - she is a whore, she was looking to hurt her ex husband, etc. etc. etc. plus I am fucking hot and these things happen to me. Wait...

Anyway now we are dealing with normal people (so it seems so far) and neutral locations. So the etiquette, how does it first work. We haven't talked on he phone at all, just some emails and texts. what do you do when you 1st meet eachother? I figure why not give her a friendly hug. Then sit at the bar, ask her about herself and try to set the atmosphere for a nice relaxing time. The attire will be mostly casual, jeans, brown fleece, and my sketchers that scream "Hey I'm 35 but I'm still cool!". I figure alpha male mode in which I run the show in a fun way though. Been awhile since an actual date (meaning not just a fuck session in a hotel motel or apartment) with someone new.

Anyway just figured I'd share and ask for advice if anyone felt like sharing. Should be interesting.
Steve, don't wear makeup, be yourself, drink 4-7 drinks before hand and let nature take its course. One armed side hug, and go from there.

keep it light, most guys on the internet dating scene try to push it too fast and aren't patient. let her come to you and don't over power her with your strong dominant personality

when does Tris goes to prison by the way?

does she have a rock? to help her through those rough times?
I just had a blind date. My advice: Chew with your mouth closed. Don't touch her unless she gives you some kind of sign that it would be okay. Don't suggest that she get "hammered" prior to the date at your place. Don't call your sister and have a long conversation with her while driving to the date and continue it while on the date.
hmmm It does't feel right that a gurl like Tilla has to deal with that.

Teela, why do men like to put their hands right above/on your top butt area to go out a door.. like you wouldn't be able to make it through that big gap without their guidance.

I think we need a reality film of wally vs casper on a date with Teela

75% of the way through both dates, Stevie will make an appearance too. just to keep things real
I appreciate the advice.

Regarding Tris we don't and won't talk. I do hope it works out for her but for the betterment of society I hope she is in jail for a long time. She is a serial drunk driver. Not a buzzed one either. Smashed. With kids. She is the 1st to successfully give me her tookus though and for that she lives in my hall of fame. Anywho.

Can't get drunk before the date because I will be driving. Will show up early.

The cool part is I'm not very worried about it because where as I do think she is sweet she doesn't fire me up too much yet. Just more going out to chill. Arch 1 armed hug - like it. Teela ty for the advice on the touching I will pass that advice along to her. If she touches me BEFORE I indicate it is OK I might have to snap. the eating with mouth closed comes naturally. Unless....anyway.

Since I don't really care the keeping it light part should come naturally. No cock on knee or on forehead unless asked, got it.

No one is normal, got it. No makeup, dammit, got it though.

ABC I dont think so with this one but a massage from a pro might not be so bad down the line.

My stance for now is different than I have been. I'm not concerned and she comes across as sweet and pretty beat up from the whole scene. I will go there, be cool as fuck and will make her feel beautiful and cool.

and I will NOT fuck her butt.

As always i appreciate the support.
Don't say anything to her about a massage. In fact change the subject if she brings it up. I'm sure every date or person she talks to wants to bring it up and make a snide remark about her occupation. Be yourself stevie and pretend like you are meeting a friend for dinner. Have fun and don't even think about a second date. If it happens it happens. Best of luck big boy.
Another thing that I used to do when I met up with girls was set the tone at the beginning of the date. Tell her that you have two rules on a date, no negative talk and no talking about exes. You want to have fun,no debbie downers allowed.
I say only talk about exes.

Bring your white board and a couple pens too.

Man that would be a hell of a night talking about Stevie's exes.

She'd probably call the cops though, with all that sodomy. Maybe it's best you don't.