Hooligans Sportsbook

birdmanjr - are you a PapaGeorge ghost?

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i am birdmanweezy from sbr
bostonfanbarca from the rx

i dont fuck around anybody in sbrchat can vouch for me..........was encourage to start posting here by fisch...never heard of gamelive before then..i like smaller forums

Ok, my bad, this is a first for me so I'm not sure how to handle it.

Welcome, pal.

Your spidey sense is wrong you fuckin' cuntbag.
Blittaay! I appreciate the anger - too bad you lack e-fighting skills or we could go a few rounds.

Unfortunately Mr FunkyMocker has bored me to tears and I am tired of routing you Americans in e-battles here at Gamelive.

Blitty, get back to me when you improve just a little.

Plommer anything is possible but I've seen birdmanjr across the street under his other nic and he has never once appeared George'ish.

No worries Wallaaaaay!balls.
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