Hooligans Sportsbook

***BEST BET*** Friday March 4, 2011


Half Win, hang cheng betting

In soccer, moving the spread half a goal is too much a price move. So in order to have the market as close to 50/50 a long, long time ago in Kowloon they invented the .25 and .75 spreads. A single bet split in two between -0.5 and -1 for -.75, and pk and -0.5 for -.25, adding a whole goal (ball) if the spread deems it.

So in the above bet, the spread was -1.75 (-1.5 and -2), the result was 2-0, so half the bet won (the -1.5 portion) and half of the bet pushed (the -2 portion), half win.

Opposed to America where they used plus and minus when referring to a spread, the proper quote is negative one three quarters. If the spread was under 1 (-0.75, -0.50, -0.25) the proper quote would be negative three quarter balls (-0.75), negative half a ball (-0.50), and negative quarter ball (-0.25). If the spread is under 1 mention balls, 1 and above you forgo. An art lost in Europe.
