It's 7/19/10 and now I'm out of control after 7 months being here?

on 1/20/10 was I out of control?

on 3/28/10 was I out of control?
I could go on and on

(this pic makes me want to) but you get the point?

you could be in need of some over the counter medication. TG

you live in Toronto, which is in Canada, which means the cost to you will be substantially less than for your southern friends.
Let me give you Dr. Monkey's diagnosis on your situation. Yes

you have life issues that any abnormal person like yourself would expect, but drugs possibly might not be necessary?
Right now you have anxiety excitement like a puppy dog waiting for it's master to come home in the anticipation of Matty arriving in Toronto.

one morning when you wake up and turn over in bed and see Matty there next to you, all will be fine!

buddy, no vids necessary no matter who asks you, this moment is best kept between two consenting adults.

I never thought the Summer of Love could be so magical! Love you brother!