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Attn Computer savvy types...long read but need assistance. TIA

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R.E.M. enthusiast
Apr 9, 2010
Ok. So I'm not tech savvy as previously noted. Usually on simpler things I can figure out what is going on if I actually take the time to think about it.

In an effort to be frugal,
I finally bundled to save $100 on my phone/cell/cable/internet. I changed to the cable company who came out and installed a week or so ago. It didn't dawn on me that I need to configure the printer (also new) to my new network because the previous provider did not disconnect their service til a day or so ago, so I was continuing to print on their network. In any case, I decded to call HP as they usually walk me thru these things with little difficulty.

I google their # and call...I barely explain my problem and my landline battery goes out so the tech says will call me back

Tech calls, I explain problem...He remotely accesses my computer under the guise of helping me find out why my printer doesn't work...long story short, before I know it, he is doing all sorts of things on my computer and showing me how I have certain drivers off that are affecting this and that and finds an "infection" listed in the directory/registry/something....don't know. Proceeds to pull up a google page and has me read him the name of the infection which of course is going to lead to my financial demise because people are trying to access my info thru the network. He seems believable until he starts saying I need to be transferred to a company Orange Tech who can help fix my problem for $180. I tell him the laptop was not much more than that and that I'm not going to do it. Of course he goes on and on about what a poor choice I'm making. He offered to see about reducing the price if cost was an issue. I basically just shut him down.

Incidently, this guy had thick accent which is standard for HP, but I was unable to hear him well due to tons of background conversations which I don't remember having an issue with before. Oh, he also had me give him my name, address, phone, email, alternate phone etc. to "register my printer." Again, may be standard, but it gave me pause.

Weird thing is when I went to redial the number to see if when I had dialed the HP number I could have been a digit off and got to some scam business, the number was not even remotely close to the one I had dialed. When I reverse look upped the number, it goes to this Orange Tech place which may or may not be affiliated with HP....I don't know yet. The number that he called back my cell phone number on did not have a prefix which was weird to me.

It may have actually been on the up and up...that he really found a serious "infection" when looking at info about why my printer didn't work...However, when I actually just looked at the printer, I realized I had not configured it to the new network..that was the only problem and I got it working immediately..so it wasn't any "infection" that was causing the printer not to work.

Where do I go now? Do you think this is legit problem? Was it not, but now it might be? He said even buying a new laptop would solve the problem as my network was not secure? Does that even make sense? I have secured network as far I know Do I worry about this? Bring my laptop to BB? Run a bunch of malwarebytes stuff?

This is just the strangest thing. I guess I should call HP first and make sure it was actually them I was talking to in the first place.

I took some pics of what he was looking at I think, and the name of the "infection." I don't know how to post pics, but I can at least get the name to you.

I know about all these tech scams on the popups and calling you warning you have been infected, but can't imagine this would happen calling HP to get your printer set up? I'm out the door for a couple hours, but any insight would be appreciated.
I'm almost certain it was a scam. I've read about this before, they make it look like they are official. About a year or two back one got busted that we're making themselves look like it was Microsoft support. Out of India. I would run antimalware to make sure he didn't leave anything in there.