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At what point did you give up on being happy?

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Vegas Dave

Not a Real GameLiver
Jan 28, 2010
Every day (er, night, since I don't really sleep at night, anymore), I try desperately to come up with a career path (preferably my own) that will make me enough money to get by (or, God forbid, actually be comfortable?) and not have me wake up every day feeling miserable and that my life is meaningless and wasting away.

Every day/night, this idea/path never comes to me.

So what's par for the course? When am I supposed to finally give up and accept that there is no happiness for me out there, and just accept my grim fate?
Good lord there are some depressed people around these parts!

Dave life does indeed suck. But everyone that I know that has met you in person, myself included, thinks the world of you.

Only good can come of that eventually. I'm the last person to give any kind of life advice, but I can tell you that you are on a short list of people that I would enjoy to hang out with.

That's not going to help you find a job or anything, but it should count for something! :kiss2:
get it together dave.

you're better than that. if you have a defeatist attitude, only shit comes from it.

i read and see that you having problems in the job market, but what is it that you want to do? really?
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Dave, you are a great dude. I can't blame ya for being impatient and cynical right now. But like Bread says.... when it comes down to it. You are a great guy and i'm sure your friends adore you.

Anybody who has ever built an empire or changed the world, sat where you are right now. and its BECAUSE they sat there, that they were able to do it......

just a quote from "Up in the Air" I heard last night.... somthing they told people that had just gotten fired..

-take some comfort from the from the fact that Hitler sat there posting on a 20 buck gambling forum, being depressed too.
get it together dave.

you're better than that. if you have a defeatist attitude, only shit comes from it.

i read and see that you having problems in the job market, but what is it that you want to do? really?

I'm just venting.

Having a positive, everything is going to be great attitude is wonderful, and it works for me on most days. It's hard, though, on a day to day basis to constantly lie to yourself and say it's all sunshine and rainbows when it isn't.

Bread and Archie, thank you for the kind words. I believe in myself; I just don't have any fucking clue what to channel my energy in to yet!
I'm just venting.

Having a positive, everything is going to be great attitude is wonderful, and it works for me on most days. It's hard, though, on a day to day basis to constantly lie to yourself and say it's all sunshine and rainbows when it isn't.

Bread and Archie, thank you for the kind words. I believe in myself; I just don't have any fucking clue what to channel my energy in to yet!

never would i ask you to lie. what i am trying to say is if you are interviewing for a job, or just doing ur daily thing, you must "act as if". everybody gets shit on, everybody goes through fuck all. you need to get momentum on ur side. that's all. get a student loan, go back to college. go teach, sell shit, be an engineer, professional gambler... GO WIN.
Dave today your luck is gonna change.....

I'm gonna give you the opportunity to pick me one winner today... and if it wins, i'm sending you the 30 bucks in my paypal account. Make it an early game

Things will turn around for you. I know you are frustrated, but I swear to whoever that in a year or so, you will look back on this experience and realize that you have become a much better and stronger person. Things happend for a reason, but things WILL eventually go your way. You just need to continue to be patient and stay positive.
It is a tough question. "At what point do you give up on being happy?"

Your focus is on job and money to a large extent. That is reasonable and I can relate to it. After going to U of Toronto to study Astrophysics - I was supposed to be this amazing Rocket Scientist - I ended up working for 20+ years mainly at warehouse jobs, often really crappy ones. That is a big chunk of life to go through feeling like a fuck-up and a disappointment.

But I guess I never totally gave up on being happy. I'm glad. I have had it pretty good for the last several years and there is every reason to expect it to continue. I found happiness. I believe you can too.

There are a bunch of things I could say. I found this interesting:

my life is meaningless

That is the worst. I lived that for a long time and I don't any more. But it is interesting that that turned up in the middle of your post because that doesn't really have to do with money. Most of the things I have found that bring the most meaning to my life today are not related to my job/financial situation. I could start blabbing about what is meaningful to me but what is important is what is meaningful to you. Maybe you haven't even discovered it all yet.

Even if I found out tomorrow I could no longer do what I do for a living and I had to go back to working in crappy warehouse jobs, I would still have a meaningful life and would be able to find happiness in the journey. It would be imperfect happiness but expectations of perfection are a guaranteed cause of misery.

What I am doing now both in terms of making a living and meaningful stuff on the side, are things I doubt I could have imagined myself doing when I was your age. The message being: keep an open mind and a watchful eye for opportunity. There is hope for you and lots of it I believe.
Good writeup Mudcat! Yea, the "life is meaningless' thing has hit me too and probably most of us at some stage! At my age now never thought of and whatever happens now that doesn't seem good, things will somehow work itself out! :yes:

VD, Mudcat is right! It might not seem like it to you, but from my view you have alot more going for you than you realize.
there is no happiness in life,
the sooner you come the grips with it the sooner you can go about meaningless day to day activities.
happiness and good fortune are a pipe dream ,
dont believe the hype.
find something to keep your mind off the misery of this pathedic existance on earth,
and bide your time until the day of reckoning....

hows that for cynical:guitar:

" I'm praying for rain, I'm praying for tidal waves,
I wanna see the ground give way, I wanna watch it all go down...
please flush it all away, I wanna see it go right in down, I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away...
learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay." MJK

wait, I thought Dave was kind of a tool:bashing:

"don't believe the hype" good point Mmike.

meaning is a difficult thing to find.

and anyways don't you have a loving girlfriend bla di bla

and live in sunny California. Go to the beach you bum.