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Feb 1, 2010

So I am mowing around the treatment plant this morning and I am out by The Pond of Death and I see something swimming in the direction of where I am mowing. As it gets closer I realize its an armadillo. If you dont know what an armadillo is, it a giant rat-like creature with heavy, thick plating on its back. Youve seen them thousands of times just usually in their road kill form. So anyway I continue mowing cause after all its just an armadillo. As I am making my second pass around The Pond of Death this poor little armadillo seems to be frantically trying to get my attention. This time it isnt so easy to just ignore the little guy. I know that if I continue mowing he is gonna drown. Now an armadillo serves no real purpose in life but it is a life form and it is plainly obvious he is terrified and will die if I dont do something.

So I go and get my Pool Screen of Life. I call it that because if there is a Pond of Death then in order to keep balance in my life there must be a Pool Screen of Life. I go back to the pond and the little guy is frantically trying to get some traction on the slick liner in order to get himself out. Its not gonna happen cause the liner is too slick and the edge is too steep. I reach the Pool Screen of Life out and without even an attempt to be scared by it I scoop the rather large as it turns out armadillo out. He practically jumped into the net. He didnt actually but it seemed as such. I got him to the top and because of how I placed the net down he was kind of trapped inside. As I was trying to get the net untangled the armadillo burst forward and ripped a hole right through my Pool Screen of Life and scurried off.

That saved armadillo will probably be road kill tonight but at least he didnt drown in The Pond of Death this morning.
Wanna see if the moral of this story, albeit a true story is picked up by anyone.

No good deed goes unpunished?

No, I don't know what you are shooting for in terms of a moral.

I don't understand why you didn't try to save the armadillo when you first saw him. What changed to finally lead you to that decision? Not judging. I recently had a similar-in-some-ways episode with a toadfrog. Just looking for insight.
Muddy, I don't have a good answer for why I hesitated. I think deep down I was trying to connect with my inner dark side after all the advice I was given earlier in the week about how to be tougher on the posting forums. I think subconsciously I was trying to carry that over into my personal life. It's a theory.
The moral of the story:

Mudcat should have saved the frog. <----no question mark, seeing as this is the obvious right answer.

Continue to cultivate your dark side or you will be down many pool screens in your life?

Hire a lawn service?

Never trust a drowning armadillo?

Sell your house/move because living next to a pool of death can never be good? This is more serious now, seeing that you have no more pool screen of life.


If you are truly trying to get in touch with/cultivate your "dark side" let me tell you that quite possibly what your searching for, you already have. Darkness gives you insight. Mainly insight because your soul is in searing, burning painful pain all the time. This makes everything brighter and more intense. This also make everything you come in contact with catch on fire and become a worthless and charred pile of ashes. You have insight and the talent to express yourself. You seem extremely self aware. Are you saying you feel you have an untapped darkness? Or are you trying to cultivate something that isn't there.

Because if it's the second. Don't. Maybe what you should be shooting for is a stronger, bolder version of yourself. The dark side I think you may be admiring, requires you to be wrecked in some major way from the core.

Wally, I am much better right now but let me tell you, my core is seriously damaged and I have come to understand that it didn't have to be this way. If I had been given different circumstances and made different choices I know I could be every awesome thing I am now without the wreckage and pain. It makes me sad sometimes.

Wally, you're not missing out, please believe me. Ignoring drowning armadillos (I guess literally, but I mean this metaphorically) will not make you edgier and cooler.

Please just be Wally. Nothing would make me happier.
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I guess depending on ones outlook there could be several morals to this story.

My personal choice is this though, sometimes doing the right thing won't bring us good fortune nor is there any guarantee that the good we do will even make a difference in the life of the person we did it for, sometimes we do the right thing just because it's the right thing to do.
Mrs. X

Reading your post brings to light much I was missing with you. I have read many of your post in the past and I knew I was seeing something there but could never put my finger on exactly what it was. I now know what I was seeing that kept me intrigued.

All my life I have made myself readily available to those who were in places of which you spoke. While I couldn’t always relate to their demons I was always willing to provide comfort and support. It’s clear you found your comfort and source of security in Mr. X so understand this is not meant as some weird come on. I am just saying I connect with what you wrote and don’t worry. I may joke about embracing my dark side but rest assure I won’t. It doesn’t scare me or anything I just haven’t the time for it. Some people feel it’s easier to just live in the dark but for me I like it where the light shines the brightest.

After reading through some of you various threads I was on the fence about whether or not I was gonna like you but I can see now that we share something in common albeit from different perspectives that will ensure I do.
Mrs. X, After reading through some of you various threads I was on the fence about whether or not I was gonna like you but I can see now that we share something in common albeit from different perspectives that will ensure I do.


just curious. What was it specifically made you think you wouldn't like me?

Mr. X thinks it's my spontaneous, unprovoked attacks on innocent posters.
Overtly cynical which without background can be extremely unattractive especially in females. We generally associate this with lesbianism but you are married to Mr. X and seemingly very happily at that. Your words when you speak of him are more than just words on a screen they are actual feelings.

Don’t get me wrong, I would have nor do I have a problem with lesbians I just have a difficult time associating militant lesbians with females so this throws me off.

Mr. X is partially right as well since what I saw and what he suspected kind of go hand in hand. First impressions are often dead on but they are sometimes wrong. I’m glad in this case mine were wrong.