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Are You sending Christmas Cards out this Year?

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SP Nation and I Ruin things
Jan 27, 2010
i'm bad at communicating with extended family and long time friends, from HS, College, previous locations ect.

but I try like, many people, to make up for it in December with a long fruity diatribe about what is new and "exciting" in my life.

as I sent them out today, I reflected a bit.

it is really amazing that you can pay 44 cents. and that pays for a person to pick your sealed envelope up out of your box, drive it to a post office, sort it. get it on a plane to denver, wilmington, salt lake city... ect have them unload the baggage. sort it again, give it to the proper mailperson, and have the put it in a mailbox 1500 miles away.

what a bargain. It boggles my mind....

I mean we give a lackluster waitress 10 bucks on a 70 dollar bill, for bringing us some food and then re-filling our drinks.

I tip my newspaper delivery boy, but I wish I could tip all of the US postal service what they really deserve
Wait. People send friends from HS or college Christmas cards?

That's what boggles my mind. Perhaps if I had some friends I'd consider it, but even then that isn't really something I'd ever do.

The whole 44 cent thing I can understand though. It's not like you're the only one who needs to send something from Point A to Point B.

I'd just prefer to neither send nor receive cards. When I do receive them I look at them once and throw them away.
As for the waitress thing, unfortunately it comes down to norms or whatever the correct term is.

It is assumed that you have to leave at minimum 15% even on bad service. My rule of thumb is the worst possible service gets 15% and normal service is 20%, based on the fact that I was in their shoes before earning tips. A lot of the stuff is out of their control.

But unfortunately employers are so cheap and to cut costs the customers have to pay the employees directly, basically.

Although if they paid all of the waitresses a normal salary than menu prices would have to he higher so it all evens out.
I could have sent about 1,100 cards, for the price you spent, to learn how to catch foul bal

I think you are right though.

its crazy that I still send these cards to people, that I haven't physically seen for more than 5 years. There is definate insanity surrounding the whole "Christmas Card" ordeal.

and now you have to factor in facebook shit. I mean for a guy like me that is almost 34 years old, and a decade removed from college. Should I send a christmas card to an ex gf that sent me 8 facebook messages in October and November. Should I send a christmas card to the college couple that sends early december christmas cards to me, that I didn't attend their wedding.... Nor are they sniffing a wedding invite from me.....

shit gets complicated.

I'd like to just replicate what Onner thinks about this situation. before he has to put on his "big boy" pants, and deal with "childish" adult stuff like this....
I don't send Xmas cards. It would never cross my mind.

Get right down to it, I simply don't celebrate Christmas. I mean, I participate in family tradiitonal stuff. My family has a few low-key things we do and I'm not going to boycott it.

But in a personal sense, I don't celebrate Christmas in any way.
Some people are nuts over the holidays. My landlord's daughter, who I met exactly twice, sent me a handwritten Christmas card with an actual personal message that filled a whole side. Very nice & appreciated, but man. Fok, my furniture store sales dude sent a handwritten Christmas card (complete with "Go Habs Go!" at the end).

I have never mailed a Christmas card in my life and I feel bad right now. Ima send the girl a little gift and I guess I'll ask for the same sales dood next time I need a cheap coffee table.

I'm all for that karma shit but I'm kinda lazy.
Archie I guess mudcat is still a child too then? Not everyone sends Christmas cards.

Archie why are you obsessed with me pal? It seems like you have my name on google alert and can't go a post without sticking a jab or two in.

It seems mudcat and I share similar thoughts about many things. That's not a bad thing I don't think.
? huh?

very aggresive replies from some.

thanks for the the other replies that help answer my question and validate my need to WANT to not send xmas cards anymore. it seems silly. that was the point of my post.

whose thread is this anyways? I'm pretty smart to create threads that obligate the object of my obsession to reply.

no doubt many posters and people alike, desire to have a life like muddy's when they turn 50.

good teeth, good bike helmet, basement meetings, strong musical abilities, finds good arbs, and +ev bets, enjoys life, sharp wit. what is not to admire about this guy?

Herman, I barely know Mudcat. he's not a good friend of mine..... but you.... you are no mudcat, and you'll never be him.
stop trying to compare yourself to someone as lofty as Mudcat.

Muddy is secure in the awesome masculinity that defines him.

and i'm secure in my knowledge that there will only be one mudcat ever.....

GodBless Muddy