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Are you a good typer?

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Jan 27, 2010
I need to look at the keyboard and pretty much use 2 fingers/thumbs on each hand. I wish I didn't have to look at the keyboard when I type. Do others have this problem? I bet Machu can type without looking at the keyboard, but he probably makes a ton of mistakes.
Yes. I would venture to say I could type as or more quickly than any other GL poster.

I have often said that typing was the most valuable class I took in high school.

The only issue I have is that at my old office we used abbreviations in notations which mainly included omitting vowels, or using two or three letter codes for certain common industry words. I sometimes still do that when I am typing very quickly.
My biggest problem will be that learned tendency to omit vowels. I was at that job for 16 year, so it's pretty ingrained. The mistakes count against your speed of course when taking the test. . I'll try to look for one tomorrow or this weekend and will post the link.