been mugged with no physical contact 4 times. been "mugged" in the traditional sense of the word, where I got jumped by multiple dudes and got messed up. Got mugged one time by one guy where he actually pistol whipped me. I mean really? c'mon I thought that was just on tv.
had my house broken into 4 times, where people stole somthing. the very first time, nothing was stolen, but someone broke in the back when no one was home, and hid his gun in some pants hanging on my laundry rack, cuz he was tweaking and thought the cops were after him, He came back later after we got home. I thought he was just really high and in the wrong place, demanding to "get his gun"
until he described 3 the posters that I had on the wall. I eventually took his bullets out and threw him his gun from the window.
had my car window smashed too many times to count. and its mostly just vandalism. we know not to have anything of value in the car overnight. had a fukin 15 passenger van stolen last year. who steals a fifteen passenger van, with a youth afterschool insignia, on it..... I mean it had our address and phone number on it, but no one got suspecious and called us, when someone sold it for 200 bucks for scraps?
lots of adventures. it comes with the territory, and it didn't bother me until I realized that by getting married, i'm asking my wife to live in these conditions. I'm not gonna take that chance, i'll be out of here next fall