Hooligans Sportsbook

Alomar and Blyleven to HoF

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in 10 years the HoF might be considered a complete joke if the all time hits leader and the HR leader arent on it. these guys are setting the precedent to not vote for guys even suspected of using performance enhancers. unreal.
in 10 years the HoF might be considered a complete joke if the all time hits leader and the HR leader arent on it. these guys are setting the precedent to not vote for guys even suspected of using performance enhancers. unreal.

Old fat sports writers who still think its 1930. Stop listening to the game on the radio and watch HD.

If they all cheated in the 1990's and 2000's, then shouldn't the best players of those era's still make the hall, it was a level playing field for that generation. Dont give me that bullshit that they didn't do that shit in the 20's, times change.
in 10 years the HoF might be considered a complete joke if the all time hits leader and the HR leader arent on it. these guys are setting the precedent to not vote for guys even suspected of using performance enhancers. unreal.

Rank Player (age that year) Home Runs Year Bats HR Log
1. Barry Bonds (36) 73 2001 L HR Log
2. Mark McGwire (34) 70 1998 R HR Log
3. Sammy Sosa (29) 66 1998 R HR Log
4. Mark McGwire (35) 65 1999 R HR Log
5. Sammy Sosa (32) 64 2001 R HR Log
6. Sammy Sosa (30) 63 1999 R HR Log
7. Roger Maris (26) 61 1961 L HR Log
8. Babe Ruth+ (32) 60 1927 L HR Log
9. Babe Ruth+ (26) 59 1921 L HR Log
10. Jimmie Foxx+ (24) 58 1932 R HR Log
H. Greenberg+ (27) 58 1938 R HR Log
Ryan Howard (26) 58 2006 L HR Log
Mark McGwire (33) 58 1997 R HR Log

IMO none of the HR frauds from the steroid should ever go in or if so with an asterisk*. In a matter of 4 years, 6 times players hit over 60 HRs in a season. Look how often it happened before that. No way to spin it to say it was legit.

I had no idea at the time that it was steroids. My thought on it was this after many years of watching baseball. My son and his friends were so hyped up bout these guys doing this and I told them no way it is cause they're the best at hitting HRs.

Told them that baseball wanted more offense to generate more fan interest and the balls being produced somewhere I think in the Caribbean were being spun tighten which I know would make them travel farther. But knew nothing bout roids to consider it but it made perfect sense to me after the fact.

Ryan Howard last legit guy to hit a big number!
So it's the legal aspect that makes it right!

yes, absolutely. the issue of performance enhancing drugs (as with any drug at all) is strictly amoral. its only 'wrong' (cheating) if they are breaking the rules of the sport, which they werent (at the time).

they are professional athletes. they are making a shitload of money. they should be doing everything they can to gain an edge over other players in order to earn the money that i am paying them by watching them perform.
I think the hall should be capped at some number 100 players or so. To get in someone needs to be voted out.

Its such bullshit, some writers wont vote for you because they think you dont deserve to get in on the 1st ballot, but will vote for you the next year without hesitation. What changed in that 1 year. The baseball writers are a bunch of assclowns.