Hooligans Sportsbook

$3 million Donor wants his money back


Jan 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HARTFORD, Conn. -- A major benefactor to the University of Connecticut wants the school to return $3 million in donations and remove his family name from its football complex because he says he was shut out of discussions about the selection of a new football coach.


Will be interesting to see how this plays out. We don't have both sides of the story, but you would think that a donor of this magnitude for the school would be given at least token input on the decision.

What do you guys think? Should he be allowed to get his money back?
I'd say a portion. However if he used it as a tax deduction which he probably did he should get nothing.

Indian giver.

I would say that it is not common for them to have influence, but it is common for the top donors to be given some attention. He has given $7 million to the program, he should have been placated. I'm sure had he been talked to during the process, regardless of him giving the blessing on the hire, he would not be going to such lengths. I just see the situation being mismanaged.
So some asshole only donated $$ to the school because he wanted to play "football owner". If he want's to play football bigwig so bad, he should have taken his $3,000,000 and bought a shit load of Fantasy Football teams. This guy is a grade A douche. I not only hope they don't give him his $$ back, but they take his name off the stadium. Major tool.