Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Have you Ever Eaten Somthing that Wasn't Pussy, but Tasted Just like Pussy?

    You people have never eaten pussy by the look of things. In all seriousness... The closest thing to the taste of a healthy pussy is a penny. Take out a penny, lick it, and make sure breathe while you're licking it. This will give you the best idea. ANd I don't wanna hear, "only dirty pussy...
  2. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    What is Five Teeming anyway? Sounds like when you cum in another dudes ass and then use him as a brush for a giant work of art. Your seed being the paint... Am I right?
  3. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    Does this mean you'll take the bet?
  4. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    I like kitties, but gambling is stupid. You guys should try a Roth IRA... I know 401K's are popular, but you want to pay the taxes BEFORE the money grows... Got it? And, if that's not enough for you, think about how you could contribute to honest local businesses in your community by...
  5. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    You guys are swell, but I can't see how work is possible at the same time. You guys must be some shitty employees. There are poop jokes at work to be cultivated as well....
  6. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    Don't you people eat lunch? With... foooood?
  7. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    I think Bama's going to take it... they don't put up many points, but they have tough D and they play at home.
  8. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    Hey, don't get into that poor hygiene thing. Poop comes out of the hole that is only an inch or two from my feast! Newsflash, pussy smells like something! If it doesn't, then your lady is douching. And, as we all know, douching is unhealthy for a woman because it eliminates the good bacteria...
  9. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    Good luck recovering from Simian Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome buddy. Monkeys are overrated. They don't know how to separate shit from food. Well... I guess God has a similar problem... I eat pussy, but the shit is so close... Sometimes I get a taste. Better luck next time God!
  10. What The Hell Is This Supposed To Represent?!?

    It's a bondage thing... For pleasure. Like when you sit down wrong and... it hurts, because your balls got pinched... but it feels SO right... ya know!? Like Muslim porn.
  11. OP's

    Does anyone ever make an original post, and then never reply to any of the responses?
  12. Trying To Get Dusty Springfield Here

    Man you people are fucking bored...