Hooligans Sportsbook

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    He also stole the majority of the coins we did mine. Fat sack of shit thief. He’s lucky I didn’t go through with what I was going to do.
  2. Plommer is in the ICU

    We’ll see who has the last laugh here you scumbag piece of trash. Authorities don’t take kindly to cross border fraud.
  3. Plommer is in the ICU

    How goes it Casper ? Good to see you’re still alive pal!
  4. Plommer is in the ICU

    Too bad you didn’t die you fat piece shit.
  5. Warning about betplom

    Plommer you’re a true piece of shit. I helped you out when you were down and out and you stole from me. Good to see you joking about it. Karma is a bitch.
  6. What are you listening to?

    Hey it’s plommer the fat fuck stiff and thief
  7. Warning about betplom

    Don’t post at sbr Post at eog, peeps, and tgf I gave you money in Vegas one time, Casper
  8. Warning about betplom

    I’m a poster from another site. I’m sure some other posters here know me from the forums and can confirm I’m not a ghost of eggs or anyone else.
  9. Warning about betplom

    Hi Gamelive Folks, Just wanted to let you guys know that poster betplom is a stiff and scammer. He stiffed poster IAG after she lent him some cash after giving her a sob story. He and I partnered on a crypto mining operation and he stiffed me on the coins and stole almost $2k in equipment. I...
  10. So I’m Officially In Vegas

    Best of luck in Vegas Casper.
  11. Countdown to pot legalization

    Hey look who it is. The scamming stiff pantload. How about sending me my stolen crypto and mining equipment back?
  12. Attn MonkeyFocker

    For some reason I can't PM people here. Anyways, if you see this, I just sent you a PM at Peeps. Respond back if you have a chance. Oh, and hello to the rest of gamelive. You guys got a nice forum going here.
  13. Mofo and pals must of spent $25 on their new forums...

    Read the post below that Mo replied to. We had a rogue mod, dustdevil, going around fucking shit up. That read I was offered a job at EOG, not gamelive. Carry on.
  14. MonkeyF0cker will you be attending this party????

    Monkey, Can you PM me either here, RBS, or OGD? I have a question for you since I'm heading to Vegas with the EOG crew... Thanks buddy.