Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Dingo

    The Elon Musk Shitshow

    Politicians and their net worths have grown exponentially since Covid,doesn’t matter which country or party
  2. Dingo

    Moving Day

    US mortgage are different than the ones in Canada,American’s can write off the interest ,we can’t unless it’s a rental or commercial.I have heard the debate where it is wise to not pay off a home in the States and invest the funds but I am old school and nothing better than not owning a nickel...
  3. Dingo

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    Funny thing is even if we merged most of Canada would be blue
  4. Dingo

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    Fish filet is one of McDonald’s better sandwiches,only problem is the meal isnt quite enough to leave you satisfied so you also order a McDouble or cheeseburger and now you’re bloated fat fuck
  5. Dingo

    The Elon Musk Shitshow

    Old white women terrorize the pathways on their e-bikes here
  6. Dingo

    kato's good mourning/good evening thread

    Going prawning today,go enjoy the day!
  7. Dingo

    Do You Miss Bobbyfk?

    Geez,that’s like 100 lbs ago
  8. Dingo

    The Elon Musk Shitshow

    No such thing as Conflict of Interest,nowadays
  9. Dingo

    Random Questions for the Group

    Had a friend that went to Turkey for a hair transplant,think it was 7K about 12 years ago.Looked pretty good when he the first few years but he’s pretty much bald again.
  10. Dingo

    Publix B-O G-O FREE Deals!

    Monkey translation APP: Started day drinking already today on my 8th drink,gonna go back and buy more tomorrow.The more I drink the more I save.
  11. Dingo

    Random Questions for the Group

    If you can sneak pass the Canadian border I would take you fishing Give a man a fish he eats for one day,teach a man to fish,he sits in a boat and drinks beer all day
  12. Dingo

    Random thoughts

    jelly donut,was actually really good but if I was at the shop I would have gave it a double shot of filling or more
  13. Dingo

    Random thoughts

    I was like that for most my adult life,but since I leased out the bakery I crave sweets all the time now.Had my first doughnut a couple of weeks ago in Vancouver since I retired,my nephew bought some to the superbowl party,I refuse to pay retail($4.00) for something that I made for pennies.
  14. Dingo

    Random Questions for the Group

    First picture,late 30s starting to thin.Last picture my oldest brother’s 65th birthday last summer,I am in the white shirt.
  15. Dingo

    Random Questions for the Group

    Nope,childhood friend and still drinking buddies.I catch more fish than I will ever eat,I usually give most I mine away as I seldom eat fish.
  16. Dingo

    Random Questions for the Group

    All my friends that talked shit when I prematurely went bald,now are going bald themselves,Dingo getting last laugh once again.Only person in our group that hasn’t lost a stitch of hair is Greg,a Native American,fucker has hair like a chia pet.
  17. Dingo

    Random Questions for the Group

    Youngest of 3 brothers,oldest brother has full head of hair,middle brother thinning,I been thinning since my middle forties and now shave it to the bone.I blame the environment I worked in as the bakery was always filled with steam/grease that probably clogged my pores.The only thing I dislike...