Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    I would have to get an updated stat sheet from the company right now all I have is my own excel format sheet that I do at home, I do have the total number in a PDF format that i can post here however it's from May of 2009.
  2. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    Kato, I think your right, don't seam like there is anyone here worth speaking with, which is to bad because i thought i was at a sportsbook forum not a smug forum, ohhh well best of luck to you all. I'm out.
  3. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    lol, classy
  4. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    ok guys listen I did not start this post to be talking about my other affiliate marketing, I started to sell my sportsbook package, I mean really?? If your not interested that's fine, but don't turn the tread around, that's just childish and you make yourselves look like ass's. To try and...
  5. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

  6. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    No I'm not ATX sorry
  7. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    It's what it say's it is a system he gives himself to much credit that's for sure, but it's an ok program but you will not hit the 98% or what ever it is he claims however you will do better then your doing now, there have been quite a few people who have bought it from my affiliate links and...
  8. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    So not true bro, there limits depend on the type of sports you playing but I've seen 20k bets. Now if your playing soccer, you might be right
  9. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    LOL now that's funny
  10. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    really??? I have clients that wager A LOT more then that
  11. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    if that's the case if you have facebook account let me have it and we can chat in private
  12. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    Sure if you like I'm in Austin Texas
  13. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    It is with Justbet a very good sportsbook, you can speak with the owner there and he will give you any information you might need.
  14. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    Blitty, i can not send PM's yet I guess i have to have more posts. But your really serious you should talk to the company my package is with and make sure everything I telling you is true before offering to make payment.
  15. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    there is none, any defaults have been taken out already, i would not post numbers like that.
  16. Sportsbook Affiliate package for sale

    Hi guy's I am posting this here and hope it's the right spot. I have an affiliate package for sale with a very good US facing sportsbook. They pay for 2 employees to work my current data base, I have approx. 1200 signed up players but only around 71 active seeing I have not been more involved...