Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. IAG


    So I posted about this somewhere else, and got an unusual number of responses. Who knew? I have to have one of these things soon. They stick a camera down your throat into your stomach to see what's going on. It doesn't sound fun. I guess I will be mostly out, but really? Anyone ever do...
  2. IAG


    Have a great day friend!!!:chickendance:
  3. IAG

    Best way to resell concert tickets last minute...attn Boner

    Months ago when I was feeling more flush, splurged on tickets to Carrie Underwood thinking I would use them or could resell them. Originally bought a pair of " Platinum" tickets which I now understand were based on market value at the time purchased. I paid 250 each for these seats thru...
  4. IAG

    Has anyone talked to poster Eggs today?

  5. IAG

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt divorcing.

  6. IAG

    No NRG

    WTH? In January I was waking up early, hitting the gym like mad for hours daily, felt good. Last few months I can't seem to get going. Zero energy..so tough to get going in the morning. Is this a vicious cycle? Lack of cardio? I was always a morning person but literally tough to get out...
  7. IAG

    Cat people

    I finally made the leap. I figured Pogo needed a friend in his old age to rejuvenate him. I got her Friday at the shelter. . She is very sweet. I haven't named her yet, although I have a few candidates. In any case, she just wanted to be near me or under the bed for the first day. Now she is...
  8. IAG

    Attn Poster Eggs

  9. IAG

    Happy Birthday Mr. X!

  10. IAG

    Expensive day. Can I resell old ipad?

    Even free trips are expensive. $123 at Walgreen on makeup, travel size everything etc. $94 mani/pedi $17 car wash Then I go to best buy to have a ipad shield/cover whatever put on...I get it all paid for and ready and guy notices that my ipad is cracked in the corner ..I had seen...
  11. IAG


    Hi. If someone doesn't say something soon I'm going to have to go out in the real world. I gave you a pity lol that day. Help a girl out.
  12. IAG

    Speaker help?

    Got a Bluetooth speaker for Christmas and love it. Haven't had it on in a few days, but it was plugged in. I just went to turn it on and nothing...can't get it to turn on, or do anything. I'm dumbfounded. WTF could have happened? I know speakers can "blow?" or something...not...
  13. IAG

    Any interest in a Superbowl pool of any sort?

    I've been having to seek out contests at other forums to get my fix, as I will likely not bet on the game. Squares 10 liners Whatever. $2-$200 I don't care. But common...Let's do something.
  14. IAG

    Matty and people who jump out of things

    So, I'm going to be doing some form of paragliding/sailing in Cabo in a few weeks. I want to record it. So what do you guys do-put one of those cameras on your head-a "go pro?" is that what they are called? How much do those run? I likely won't use it too often. Are there cheaper...
  15. IAG

    Old people-when was the first time you REALLY realized you were old?

    Got my nails done today. Nail tech tells me she once dyed her hair pink in her early days in beauty school. I say "Oh, like the gal in Grease." Her: "what?" Me: "like in Grease-the movie" Her: dumbfounded look Me: " Grease. Olivia Newton John? John Travolta?" Her: "I've...
  16. IAG

    Anyone interested in a playoff auction?

    We have done these in the past. Mikey Lo was usually around to handle...maybe he will appear and help us out. Not sure we have enough that would participate, but if you are interested, please indicate here Thanks.
  17. IAG

    Happy New Year Zone

    No limit on players (GL regulars only) starting play $25 (to win at -150 or lower) Someone start this off ...any sport I can get a line on....:chickendance:
  18. IAG

    Day Drinking

    http://ding.net/bonsaikitten/index.html Who's with me? Tequila #1 ...check.
  19. IAG


    It looks like I "butt dialed" you on FaceTime a couple times yesterday when I was on the road back from Denver. Weird. I know one time it happened when I was talking to my brother, so not sure if my ear hit something or what. I don't even know if it's still a good number for you...it dates...
  20. IAG

    GG $50 NFL high plus low contest

    No entry fee. Sunday games only. Everyone picks a number. Winner will be closest to total of combined highest and lowest NFL team total. (2 teams) Tiebreaker to follow on Mon game if necessary. Entry cutoff is kickoff on early games. Good luck :chickendance: