Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Polaroid

    Steve Jobs Dead

  2. Polaroid

    Attn: xpansive

    Please elaborate and feel free to overshare.
  3. Polaroid

    Death By Masturbation

    Link to full story (which fails to answer the blindingly obvious question): http://bit.ly/nGFviE
  4. Polaroid

    Welcome (Back) To Our Newest (Returning) Member: xpansive

  5. Polaroid

    The Official Don Germaise Appreciation Thread

  6. Polaroid

    Attn: betplom

    Your favorite baseball player is pitching for the Seattle Mariners tomorrow at 4:10pm ET. Charles Furbush. :plommer:
  7. Polaroid

    Attention: leadfootfred

    Post more
  8. Polaroid

    Welcome To Our Newest Member: Sickened

  9. Polaroid

    The Polaroid Random Thoughts Baseball Thread

    No way will either player get that type of money. For starters, the three biggest spending markets (NYY, PHI and BOS) have all got long term deals to cover the 1B position for years to come - when you take those three out of the potential market, there is little to no chance of any bidding war...
  10. Polaroid

    Barry Bonds Convicted

    Of "obstruction of justice", the judge is recommending a mistrial on the remaining counts. I'd be interested in the total cost of these proceedings.
  11. Polaroid

    What Brings People To GameLive: April 4

    There are always a lot more site viewers rather than members signed in which is due to people simply not logging in, people who view the site but don't want people to know that they are viewing the site, are banned or come from a google search. Here are some of today's more interesting searches...
  12. Polaroid

    Welcome To Our Newest Member: Jigsaw

  13. Polaroid

    Headline Of The Week

  14. Polaroid

    The Champions League Animated

    In the Champions League soccer match between Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur on 20 October 2010, the first half in which Inter took a 4-0 lead into the dressing room led most spectators to believe that the result of the game was a formality. However a stunning second half hat trick by Gareth...
  15. Polaroid

    Welcome To Our Newest Member: MooseHead

    Promising #1 post.
  16. Polaroid

    Welcome To Our Newest Member: Boss Ross

  17. Polaroid

    Brandon Davies Suspended For The Season

    For banging Danica Mendivil. Was this piece of trim worth it?
  18. Polaroid

    Jane Russell Dead

  19. Polaroid

    Welcome To Our Newest Member: CriminalAtty1

    Do we get a group discount for your services?
  20. Polaroid

    Sportsbooks, Moneylines, Implied And Actual Probability

    In order to profit long term from gambling, it is good to understand the underlying statistical concept behind the odds offered by sportsbooks. Using a line offered at Pinnacle Sports for a mythical MLB game between the Boston Red Sox and the Philadelphia Phillies, the Red Sox are offered at...