Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. MrX

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    It's after noon and I haven't eaten anything, yet. There's a foot of snow outside. Things are looking grim.
  2. MrX

    Satan and Monster Energy Drink

    I like this lady.
  3. MrX

    Ivey Loses Edge Sorting Case in England

    So, basically, according to this judge, any player who gains an advantage that wasn't intended by the game provider is cheating. Not a great precedent.
  4. MrX

    New Horoscope

    I like this new horoscope. This Bat- You terrify most people. You have a preference for eating your big meals at night and have a hard time flying solo. People with this sign are prone to insomnia, have an ear for music, but could lack vision. You tend to annoy others with your need to be...
  5. MrX

    Old Bike

    I road a 132 year old bicycle, today. 1882 Century Expert. That was pretty cool. I'm pretty sure I'll never ride an older bike than that.
  6. MrX


    New tropical disease, coming to America within months. Can we fight something we can't pronounce? Anyway, sounds like loads of fun. Long-lasting severe joint pain. No vaccine. No treatment. Chikungunya...
  7. MrX

    This Place is Dead on Easter Sunday

  8. MrX

    Scientists Find the First Female Penises

    No word, yet, on how they handle peeing with morning wood. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/4/18/insect-neotroglabrazil.html
  9. MrX

    Spinning Things Thread

    Amazing talent or epic waste of time?
  10. MrX

    Hobby Lobby vs Sebelius

    Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood want to be exempt from providing insurance under the Affordable Care Act because of the companies' religious foundations. Specifically, they are against providing contraception that may stop pregnancies after conception. What do you think? Should corporations...
  11. MrX

    Anyone Else Love Bambi as a Kid?

    Check out these pastels drawn by the lead artist before the movie was conceived. Drawn in the late 1930s. Tyrus Wong is still alive at 103 years old. More here: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/03/tyrus-wong-pastels/
  12. MrX

    A Question About Balls

    There aren't many science questions that I've wondered about many times but never even googled. But there's this one. How is it that evolution has allowed us to have testicles on the outside? I remember from school and whatnot that sperm need a slightly lower temperature than body...
  13. MrX

    Penises Drawn on Newspaper

    These are pretty good. http://www.ultimatetop10s.com/top-10-of-the-best-penises-drawn-on-newspapers/
  14. MrX

    ATTN: Plommer

    American Apparel Pubic Hair Mannequins Stop Pedestrians In Their Tracks
  15. MrX

    Dating Game Serial Killer

    Speaking of dating games and serial killers, are you guys aware that serial killer Rodney Alcala appeared on, and won, an episode of The Dating Game in 1978? This is during his killing spree. Somehow I never heard of this. Bachelor number 1.
  16. MrX


    You guys seen this? Rich kid has expensive lawyer who gets him no jail time or juvenile detention after killing 4 in a dui accident. Part of the defense: the kid was too rich and spoiled to act responsibly. Affluenza. Catchy...
  17. MrX

    Team Atheist: A Question

    Simple question. Do you care if/how long/in what way you'll be remembered when you're gone.
  18. MrX

    Comet ISON: "I'm not dead, yet"

    There's hope. Don't cross those binoculars off the list yet, Matty. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/comet-ison-survive-scientists-tiny-hope-21047055
  19. MrX

    Shark Nearly Chokes To Death On Moose, Is Saved By Canadian Bystanders

    Good job, guys. Regular occurrence up there? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/22/shark-chokes-on-moose-rescued-by-canadians_n_4319851.html
  20. MrX

    Andy Kaufman Alive?

    What'ya think? http://www.tmz.com/2013/11/13/andy-kaufman-alive-daughter-video-dead/