Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Cougar Bait Help Me Understand

    Why do you create another user and argue with your self and other people you supposedly get along with? & &
  2. Ice Volcano Erupts

    In Iceland. Pretty cool view.
  3. GLPPOTD - Monday March 8 **ATTN Mr. Monkey**

    Good luck.
  4. ** Best Bets ** Monday March 8

    Good luck.
  5. Earthquake in Chile, Tsunami alert in the Pacific

    It was a big one 8.5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35615455/ns/world_news-americas?GT1=43001
  6. Olympic Opening Ceremony

    At what time is it?
  7. Smile

    :dunno: :wah: :propeller: :guitar: :eek1: :jerk: :spinner: :biglaugh: :reload: :hides: :tank: Any more?
  8. What screen resolution you typically use?

    Just to have a general idea.
  9. RogueScholar - Chat

    Rogue Scholar, Chat Ombudsman, it's ready. (we hope :grin:) Gamelive.com/forum/chat Please report back any glitch. Thanks!
  10. General Prop Bets & Entertainment Sub-Forum

    Prop bets are an important arsenal to the advantage player. There are times, because of their small limits or because we are lost in the world of sports, that we pass up on good opportunities on entertainment or general propositions. So if you want to tune out of sports and tune in to the...
  11. Heat - Cavs

    Any leans on this one? Not much late action. Staying up for this one.
  12. Tiger Woods

    What is going on with him? Is he going to take the whole year off? I have not follow the news on him lately.
  13. Motor Sports

    Anyone here is into Motor Sports? The Formula 1 pre-season started this week and Michael Schumacher is returning. :thumbup: I have no idea about Nascar and the other American racing series, but I would love to get into them.
  14. OT: What was the name of Greece in anciant times?

    A radio Q, nobody has answer yet. Help!
  15. Lay Paraguay from advancing in the World Cup group stage?

    Harsh thought but... Salvador Cabaas, striker and main player for the Paraguay national team got shot in the head in a bar/lady bar in Mexico City. He was was having a dispute with two guys over a Cuban prostitute.