Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. The Rodney Show: Episode 1

    I don't understand Rodney very much but I like him. :laugh: Good video!
  2. For those that want the early game

    Uh oh, I hope you don't think 2.41 is my unit size. 2.41 is the odds I got quoted in decimals (European) odds.
  3. For those that want the early game

    Nice, glad you got the better price.
  4. Giving up booze for the next 4 months

    How tall are you?
  5. For those that want the early game

    NC Wilmington 2.41 (+141) for me. :thumbup:
  6. 2-8-10 Affirmation

    Yes I answer to you in the Motor Sports thread. It is because of Roberto Baggio, big time Italy NT fan here. Also a Bianconeri (Juventus) supporter! :thumbup:
  7. For those that want the early game

    Good info xstud!
  8. For Bread when he arises from his coma today or tomorrow

    Banana Power Banana Power :lmao: I am Chicken :lmao: :lmao:
  9. 2-8-10 Affirmation

    What is important is loyalty, not fidelity.
  10. Can someone link me to game live chat?

    Logging in through Menu button above should work fine.
  11. bread, grow a sack

    Yes :clap: Another rap off!
  12. Can someone link me to game live chat?

    Timeouts now take 24 hours.
  13. Might take durito weeks

    Yes, I wonder how he tackles this task.
  14. Can someone link me to game live chat?

    Yes, the www seems to be the problem. It is the only way I can recreate the error. Noted for when adding the link at the top. Was there anybody that couldn't get in after trying without the www?
  15. RogueScholar - Chat

    Rogue Scholar, Chat Ombudsman, it's ready. (we hope :grin:) Gamelive.com/forum/chat Please report back any glitch. Thanks!
  16. Saturday Premiere League play

    I like Everton +1/2 a lot. Good luck! I'm with you on this one.
  17. Smogs Saturday Picks

    Very nice write up. Agree on the French tip.
  18. Vids

    Why did Cougar Bait throw away the half eaten cookie? Why? :laugh: