Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Meaning Behind Your Posting Handle....

    Roberto Baggio, Italian and Juventus football player.
  2. Cougar Bait Help Me Understand

    From the Admin Control Panel.
  3. Cougar Bait Help Me Understand

    maersksealand and Cougar Bait are the same. Why all this fake stuff? Hello people. I read the site on most mornings. Still try to keep up but it's hard.
  4. Cougar Bait Help Me Understand

    Why do you create another user and argue with your self and other people you supposedly get along with? & &
  5. Who are the Gambling Fellas?

    Sorry. :surrender:
  6. Ice Volcano Erupts

    In Iceland. Pretty cool view.
  7. Can we request new smilies?

  8. Can we request new smilies?

    Anything in specific? The background image? The width? The member info and avatar above the post? I have been toying this look for a week, and at first I was hesitant, but it grew on me.
  9. Can we request new smilies?

    Smileys are on Quick Reply now. Pull down menu on the last icon.
  10. Can we request new smilies?

    Apologies. I've been busy with work and some other things out of town. :bk: :kato: :love: :speak: :curling: :panic: :fudd: :fu: :drag: Cougar Bait = :cougarbait: Mudcat = :mudcat: Muddy = :muddy:
  11. Go to First New Post?

    Sorry, I was out of town. Just applied the fix, its working great. Thank you for the link!!
  12. Sea World Employee Killed by Killer Whale in Front of Audience!!

    The attack http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=06b_1267765340
  13. GLPPOTD - Monday March 8 **ATTN Mr. Monkey**

    Good luck.
  14. matchbook down?

    It is down for me. Can't load the page.
  15. ** Best Bets ** Monday March 8

    Good luck.
  16. Earthquake in Chile, Tsunami alert in the Pacific

    Huge aftershock just right now.
  17. Mudcat's Olympic Notebook

    :laugh: I'll see if I find it.
  18. Earthquake in Chile, Tsunami alert in the Pacific

    Hawaii is on high alert.
  19. 5 minutes of hockey.

    Some were added yesterday.
  20. Earthquake in Chile, Tsunami alert in the Pacific

    It was a big one 8.5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35615455/ns/world_news-americas?GT1=43001