Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Muse

    Making $1.5k..

    (March, 30 2011 09:41:21)Chi_archie: how many points is 97 cents (xx:xx)Goat Milk has entered the room (March, 30 2011 09:42:28)B1GER1C828: 5guys opening near me (March, 30 2011 09:42:28)Chi_archie: the "POINT" is....and I think you all missed the subtle hints (March, 30 2011 09:42:32)SoV...
  2. Muse

    Making $1.5k..

    Edit: no need to be redundant
  3. Muse

    Making $1.5k..

    Then he's fukked. If you can't work legally and can't figure out going to a bank for a student loan is your easiest ticket to cash, there are no other options.
  4. Muse

    Making $1.5k..

    Sov you're much more dumb than I ever gave you credit for. And I knew you were an idiot to begin with. You common here asking for ideas and shoot every idea down minus the bank idea which bobbyfk could've figure out without asking. You've got nothing to pawn, you're barreled in, parents...
  5. Muse

    Papa George - Is this you?

    "**** Finally put in jail for at least six months I recently was informed that george was put in jail for at least six months thru some mutual friends we have, is this a result of the action we were taking against him? YES IT IS MY DEAR FRIEND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP I was just curious to...
  6. Muse

    This is the last summer of my 30's, boys

    Daft are you overweight? Sleep apnea is almost always related to extra weight. We tend to accumulate fat around our throat, chin and face areas pretty easily. If you are even slightly over weight id be willimg to be all of my GL poimts that losing the extra weight will cure your sleep apnea...
  7. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    No real reason other than I figured it would be considerably cheaper in Ft. Bragg than any other coastal cities in CA and it's a small coastal town. My main problem with it is how far it is to another major city.
  8. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    Ya, we really like Denver and were looking into after we'd visited there a few times, the main problem is that in Denver I couldn't make near as much as I would in Cali. In Cali, nurses are unionized and make a significant amount more per hr and anything over 8hrs/day is OT as opposed to 40 per...
  9. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    Archie, probably something to get checked out at some point. Could be related to the drinking but who knows. There's a chance they have you poop in a cup and then guaic it. If the guaic comes back positive, indicating blood, then you're likely gonna be set up for a colonoscopy. It could...
  10. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    My first thought was it would be too expensive and maybe it will be. I'm just trying to find out. I guess "affordable" is vague and subjective, so I should probably at least define what affordable is to us. At this point, I'm not even sure. As far as pay, I'd make considerably more in CA...
  11. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    FF, what are the winters like? Do you own/rent? If own, how are property taxes and insurance? What's the best way to get around town ie bus/subway/trollie/train and about how much monthly for use of public trans? Tomatoe, what is wrong with Hayward? Is it the bay area version of Compton...
  12. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    This doesn't pertain to me much but I'll be sure to keep it in mind. Archie, do you live in Norther Cali?
  13. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    60's and 70's are good. 105 in the summer, below zero in the winter, no more beuno. I gotta get outta here. I like Seattle but would end up committing suicide during the winter. Or whenever my Norco's ran out, whichever came first. It is indeed Ft. Bragg, CA. It's a few hours north...
  14. Muse

    Moving to N. California!!! ???

    Wife wants to move to N. Cali. I'm not opposed to it but don't know much about it. She wants to live within a few miles of the beach with good climate, but needs to be affordable as we're not super rich. Right now, we're looking into the Fort Bragg area. Does anyone here live in CA or have...
  15. Muse

    Banned at RBS by our friend Oksana...

    RJ, truth be told, I just don't have as much to contribute here. I'm much better at flaming and trolling than I am picking winners. I've had a few NBA threads before that did decent but they're not up to the quality here. Hell, Durito has more money in D- books than most of us will ever make...
  16. Muse

    Banned at RBS by our friend Oksana...

    I actually forgot the password. It was easier just to create a new account.
  17. Muse

    Banned at RBS by our friend Oksana...

    Durito, how many ghosts are you going to create over there to bait J7 into looking like an idiot :megaman:
  18. Muse

    Banned at RBS by our friend Oksana...

    Archie I got unbanned today. The reasoning was that I"m using proxies and I'd been flagged by their fraud detection software. So I sold my soul to the devil and got reinstated.
  19. Muse

    Banned at RBS by our friend Oksana...

    Health is good Archie, thank you for inquiring. I finall got over a bad case of rupture appendix and am now back to being just a regular pain managment patient with a fucked up heart. Found out two of my valves will eventually need to be replaced but hopefully not for a few decades. Doc...
  20. Muse

    Banned at RBS by our friend Oksana...

    I was just banned for being the ghost of Archie. They dont miss anything.