Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. FreeFall

    Random thoughts

    More office drama!
  2. FreeFall

    Random Thoughts II - The Sequal

    if water is the elixir of life why do we shit and piss in it?
  3. FreeFall

    Random thoughts

    find anything good in it?
  4. FreeFall

    More thoughts on jobs and working

    I am a bad idea. Sounds like I'll slip right in here :easy:
  5. FreeFall


    I stopped reading american news sources last year. At least South Koreans propaganda isn't hidden or disguised.
  6. FreeFall

    Random thoughts

    Matty how big are you. This is serious business.
  7. FreeFall

    More thoughts on jobs and working

    thanks pal sorry I can't have cubical talk with you anymore! :grouphug:
  8. FreeFall

    More thoughts on jobs and working

    I'm at a startup, no surprise there, but yes the culture was a huge selling point for me. The leadership is all technical.
  9. FreeFall

    Random thoughts

  10. FreeFall

    More thoughts on jobs and working

    Muddy I'm now employed full time at a company. I've gone in cold turkey from doing whatever I wanted all day to working 10-12 hours. I'll see you at the finish.
  11. FreeFall

    Random thoughts

    I'm going to have a turkey sando with bacon, onions, lettuce, and pesto. For the side course there will be Duritos salsa verde.
  12. FreeFall

    Which states have the biggest penises?

    "Of course, since the Condomania data is based on what size condoms people are purchasing, the states at the top of the list may just have an impressive lack of self-awareness." I suppose it's better than wikipedia.
  13. FreeFall

    Which poster would you like to slap in the face and why? part ll

    RJ because he's never let me ban someone
  14. FreeFall

    Say HI to the homey from Brooklyn

    that's absolutely adorable blitty
  15. FreeFall

    Random thoughts

  16. FreeFall

    Who's cuter?