Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Bowl 1H Under system

    Fair enough; a bit of hyperbole on my part, I suppose. Even if the entire NCAAF half total market is inefficient in the case of bowl games, it is one of those "works until it doesn't" types of things. Your sole metric of success would be profit and loss; if you assume the entire market is...
  2. Bowl 1H Under system

    Sorry, yeah. I was trying to point him toward an improved bottom line in the nicest way possible.
  3. Bowl 1H Under system

    He's talking about taking every 1H under, blindly. CRIS takes $3K on NCAAF 1H totals (probably more for bowl games; I don't know). Not a giant amount, but we're not talking about Swedish Handball lines here. There is absolutely no way a market of that size is so inefficient that you could...
  4. Bowl 1H Under system

    Assuming $100 bet size, average odds of -110: Chase system - About half the time, you'll win the 1H bet (+100) - About a quarter of the time, you'll lose your 1H bet and win your 2H bet (+90) - About a quarter of the time, you'll lose both bets (-330) (100 + 100 + 90 - 330) / 4 = EV of -$10...
  5. Bowl 1H Under system

    Congrats on a great bowl season. Your expected value is actually twice as much betting just the 1H and not chasing. I don't think anyone wants this place turning into the Handicapper Think Tank so I will leave it at that :).
  6. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    Can somebody explain the pauperguy story to me?
  7. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    Mainly Americans, but also some Canadians, Aussies, Irish, and South Africans. Question is if you were in the US and a British guy asked you if you liked football, would you assume he was talking about association football (soccer)? I would lean towards that but I wouldn't be sure (and yes, a...
  8. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    Well, I think we can all agree that there is a strong correlation between living in a place with horrible weather and being a Gamelive poster.
  9. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    Kind of by Chicago
  10. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    I think I just said "ham". They got it right.
  11. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    Also, when talking to a European about soccer, do you say "soccer", or "football"? I say "association football"; they don't ridicule me for saying "soccer", but they also know I'm not talking about American football. :highfive:
  12. Okay, I'm Ready For Summer

    Good question. Reminds me of ordering a pizza when in Canada. Wanted Canadian bacon (a.k.a. back bacon) on it. Didn't know if I should just say "bacon" or not.
  13. Movies and TV

  14. Random thoughts

  15. Movies and TV

    Prisoners looks excellent. I remember seeing the trailer for it and thinking "wow, that looks like it'd be really good". About that time, my wife said "I don't think that looks like a movie I'd ever want to see" (I think it's the "children in peril" thing Muddy mentioned). Well, shit. Guess I'm...
  16. common Jean-Louis

    Congrats! There are going to be times when you will feel like jumping in front of a speeding train; people are going to tell you "don't worry, it gets better." You're going to want to slap them, but it actually is true, despite being of little comfort at the time.
  17. Random thoughts

    Any of you guys shave with an old-school DE razor? Asked for (and received) one for Christmas; pretty fucking sweet. A lot cheaper than the cartridge razors in the long run, and it does give you a nice shave. Tried it without knowing WTF I was doing and didn't cut myself at all. Plus it just...
  18. Random thoughts

  19. Random thoughts

    I don't mind peanuts on their own too much (would never buy them, but if someone offered me a peanut, I might take it). I just don't like the texture mixed in with the other things in Chex mix. Cashews out of a little plastic container around Christmas? OK. Cashews in chicken salad? GTFO.
  20. Random thoughts

    Peanuts in Chex mix can fuck right off.