Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. I'm not a prude but

    Never really thought of soap operas as caring about "family values". Isn't people having affairs with each other one of the most common storylines?
  2. Currency traders???

    Thanks. Trading is a huge amount of work because most price movements are random and so you have to spend a ton of time analyzing data to find those few situations in which you can find an edge, and you need the necessary emotional control when you are running bad (very much like in gambling)...
  3. Currency traders???

    Yeah, "1 hour" and "4 hour" would normally refer to the length of a bar or candlestick on a chart, so he is most likely doing what most people refer to as "swing trading" (fairly short term trading but not always in and out during the same trading session).
  4. Currency traders???

    Do you know what time horizons your neighbor is trading on? I have great respect for anyone who is able to be profitable day trading; your trading costs become a much larger issue. I am, on average, holding positions for a month so I really couldn't give a shit about a few ticks in slippage or a...
  5. Currency traders???

    I have positions in currency futures sometimes. Short the Euro ATM.
  6. Movies and TV

    Ahh, right. Forgot it was Tarantino. Never hated a Tarantino film; they are always somewhere in the B- to A- range for me. Will have to watch it one of these days.
  7. Movies and TV

    Do they deliver it in a "we think our audience is stupid so we're going to way overdo this" kind of way, a la "Crash"?
  8. Kickstarter

    Was thinking of suggesting RJ do a Kickstarter to add a mobile-friendly theme to Gamelive. RJ, thoughts?
  9. FIFA World Cup 2014 First Match June 12, 2014

    Watching that was surreal. In a good way, mind you.

    Don't you mean "defamation"?
  11. Advertising

    Nothing better to wash down a huge slab of pork than a salted caramel iced macchiato. #madeitgayagain
  12. Random thoughts

    It's from a sketch comedy show called Key & Peele. Great sketch (I'm not able to embed it, it seems): http://vimeo.com/channels/keypeele/53749151
  13. Random thoughts

  14. Random thoughts

  15. FIFA World Cup 2014 First Match June 12, 2014

    IMO, not a conspiracy, just a ref getting influenced by the home crowd and doing a shitty job because of it.
  16. Random thoughts

    A pizza brand here does that also; it says "Great for Grilling" on the package. I'm sure it'd be good, but there is no way I'm going to go through the hassle of setting up the grill for frozen pizza. No fucking way.
  17. Are professional athletes laughing at all of us behind closed doors....

    This. I think a lot of them buy into their own hype; it would be hard not to given the atmospheres created at live sporting events, the amount of media interest, etc. It would begin to feel like what you were doing was genuinely important.
  18. FIFA World Cup 2014 First Match June 12, 2014

    Ballsy move by van Gaal (Dutch manager) going for the keeper switch. If CR had won, he would've been blasted by every media outlet in the world. Now he looks like a genius.
  19. everyone is a dj

    Wedding DJ?
  20. everyone is a dj

    Still a few legit DJs out there. Music at 13:13.