Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    I think citizen journalism does work at a local level better. Some stories that the local news doesn’t want to cover blows up on X, now they may have to. Actually someone with a camera and a police scanner can do a lot of the ground work for the news. I agree with you Tron, there are too...
  2. FairWarning

    The Polaroid Random Thoughts Baseball Thread

    Need Larry Ellison to buy a team. For now he’ll start out with Michigan QBs.
  3. FairWarning

    The Polaroid Random Thoughts Baseball Thread

    Sparky looked 60 when he was 35.
  4. FairWarning

    The Polaroid Random Thoughts Baseball Thread

    He goes from the expansion Padres to the managing in world series in a year.
  5. FairWarning

    Pics where I'm not sure where to put it

    They were huge, then rehab. After 1985, just another corporate rock band making songs for movies.
  6. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    Next level trolling there.
  7. FairWarning

    hockey memorabilia

    Awesome, could be a HOFer this year (should be IMO).
  8. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    The radical ones don’t care about the rest of the party. The adults on the left have to boot them out.
  9. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    The Onion and Alex Jones seems to be a perfect fit. I would love to know who were the losing bidders.
  10. FairWarning

    Pics where I'm not sure where to put it

    This most certainly fits this thread - Rob Halford and Leslie Nielsen
  11. FairWarning


    How many shaved their head on there?
  12. FairWarning

    What are you listening to?

    You would probably like Post Modern Jukebox. They take popular songs from today and rearrange them to styles ranging from the 20’s thru the Wall of Sound. The are at Four Winds this month, will miss them. https://postmodernjukebox.com/blog/basketcase/
  13. FairWarning

    Cursed AI

    AI nailed it
  14. FairWarning

    NFL 2024

    Not sure who is putting on a worse performance today - the Bears or the J-E-T-S
  15. FairWarning

    The Polaroid Random Thoughts Baseball Thread

    The RSN’s shakeout this winter will be a big factor in this.
  16. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    The only liberal talking head that gets it is Bill Maher. Most like Jimmy Kimmel still can’t figure it out, yet talk down to the right.
  17. FairWarning

    The Polaroid Random Thoughts Baseball Thread

    Idk but I hope he doesn’t land in Chicago.
  18. FairWarning

    Gamelive College Football Plays 11-9-24

    I’m on Indiana TT over 31.5, if it drops to -14, on that also.
  19. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next Prime minister fag of the Canada?

    We need a good candidate from the praries.
  20. FairWarning

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    Idk, my feed was pretty wild Yesterday with lifetime friends calling others racists and Nazis, then the defriend hammer to anyone who voted trump. Heck, even Maddow threw out the tiniest of a olive branch last night on her show.