woah. more like 50
A Scaramucci (or Mooch) is 11 (sometimes 10) days and is named after the length of White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci's tenure under President Trump.[48][49][50][51]
tards in their 50s and above that remember Tyson in his prime and never heard of the other guy and just think. "how the fuck is some guy off of my space and the interwebs gonna beat iron mike are betting Tyson
His six girls and five boys, all have unique names such as Ein Ezekiel, Elijah Esaias, Evette Ashley, Eleazer Evan, Eli Ethan, Elijah Jedidiah, Eden Eloise, Even Elizabeth, Evander Jr, Ebonne Esheal, and Emani Winter.
mr. trump and president Biden talked for 2 hrs today.
1 hr 59 drooling mins by Biden and 1 min asking to be made secretary of diaper csars chief of shit
news came in today. our newest puppy is currently in a bitch's belly. due Dec 21-23.
ETA for Archumbauldt household is late Feb
champion bred Australian koolie
first disc dog national champion hopefully in 2028