Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. MrX


    Well said bonebone.
  2. MrX


    I didn't feel singled out, just owning up to my end of things.
  3. MrX


    I get frustrated trying to get a point across and probably come across mean or condescending. But, as I've said before, I wouldn't be here bothering at all if I didn't actually like you guys.
  4. MrX


    I literally gave you data up to the current week you knucklehead. I guess you're complaining that I used the last complete calendar year to do a year-to-year comparison and then acknowledged the 30% year-to-date increase for 2022 that still puts it nowhere remotely near 1993 levels.
  5. MrX


    Regardless of the state of crime in NYC, I do want to know why that 66 year old dude was walking around with $17,000 cash and why those robbers knew about it.
  6. MrX


    Says the guy who was presented with data and responded with media anecdotes.
  7. MrX

    Going To The Car Wash Today… 🎅🏿🇺🇸🎂

    Finally MrMonkey and I see eye to eye on an issue!
  8. MrX

    Movies and TV

    I think I'm going to try Outer Range. Seems up my alley. Predicting I quit after 2 episodes.
  9. MrX


    You're really reaching. The data is on reports, not arrests. Murders down 4-fold (have they changed the definition of murder) . Robbery and burglary down almost 7-fold. You're going to try to pin this on changes in the law? You know what people love more than anything? Talking about how much...
  10. MrX

    Movies and TV

    Have you watched Severance? It's very good.
  11. MrX


    They're up 20/30% from 2021 depending how you look at it. Still nowhere near early 90s levels.
  12. MrX


    1993, New York City, population 16,595,000: 1927 murders 3225 rapes 85592 robberies 41121 felonious assaults 2021, New York City, population 18,823,000: 488 murders 1491 rapes 13831 robberies 22835 felonious assaults Source...
  13. MrX

    Random thoughts

  14. MrX

    kato's good mourning/good evening thread

    Aaah, I always wondered what the difference was.
  15. MrX

    joke thread

    Fred Flintstone's famous catch-phrase was yabba dabba do.
  16. MrX

    The WWIII Thread

    :yes: Canaries in a coal mine.
  17. MrX

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    My body cares about sugar that sugar too.
  18. MrX

    Anything that you eat today....journal it here!

    Fuck you guys, put that sugar in there.
  19. MrX

    Random thoughts

    Woah. I've been on flights with human farts worthy of an emergency landing. Now that I know that's on the table, I might start making demands.
  20. MrX

    Random thoughts

    I guess at least 100 people shake their heads and wonder how it all came to this.