Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Badnina

    Random thoughts

    Yeah, probably gonna start back with classes for the summer semester, which starts in April. YAY Kidneyboy!! WTG!! That is awesome news!! Reno, one of my nephews did rub his hair down with baby oil gel. He was immediately sent back to the shower to wash it out. It did help slick his hair...
  2. Badnina

    Random thoughts

    GO KIDNEYS GO!!!!!!!
  3. Badnina

    Random thoughts

    That does sound good. Keep going down levels!!! I am doing ok!! Trying to decide to go back to school or not.
  4. Badnina

    Random thoughts

    How are those kidneys? Any improvement? *waves at Muddy*
  5. Badnina

    Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

    I disagree that Obama changed nothing. I believe race relations are a lot worse now than they were when he took office. He was supposed to "heal the divide" remember?
  6. Badnina

    random SPORTS thoughts

    Well Houston's QBs sucked ugly, hairy monkey balls last year. The rest of the team is kinda decent but the QB play killed them in that last game. I agree they overpaid but knowing it made Elway mad, made me giggle. Out loud. For a really long time. Completely irrational.
  7. Badnina

    random SPORTS thoughts

    ok I laughed out loud really hard when I heard that John Elways' QB took the money and ran to Houston. And now he has no QB. LOL for realz
  8. Badnina

    common Jean-Louis

    He's grown so much!
  9. Badnina

    I'm in some serious shizzle

    LOL!!! It reminds me of the IRS scam calls here in the US! Love'em.
  10. Badnina


    Hugs Plommer, you hairy cunt! How the heck are ya?
  11. Badnina

    What Up Bitches

    Yeah Pucky, here in the US dialysis is an outpatient treatment. It can be done in a clinic or even at home in some cases. Hospitals do their best to get people out of there as soon as possible. Go Modern Medicine!!! Sometimes the kidneys are stubborn about coming back. Do the docs think that...
  12. Badnina

    What Up Bitches

    Hugs my Egghead. Get to feeling better soon!!!
  13. Badnina

    Movies and TV

    I think we have us a spammer.
  14. Badnina

    Movies and TV

    I wish Flashpoint would come back. It was by far my MOST favorite Canadian show ever. One Hot Call
  15. Badnina

    Hockey talk 2015

    *looks for the like button*:like:
  16. Badnina

    Random thoughts

    Hot biscuit with melted butter and orange marmalade = goodness & sweetness
  17. Badnina


    pfffft. Stand strong, Apple!!! But I bet some hackers could get in.
  18. Badnina

    2016 NFL Playoffs Thread

    Eh, Reno, when your defense gives you the ball on the 5, you don't need a lot of offense to score!! #defensewinschampionships
  19. Badnina

    2016 NFL Playoffs Thread

    Spot on, Mr.M